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Items tagged with: aapi

New blog entry: The One About Scallion Pancakes

It's not really about food. It's about the time the Trader Joe's scallion pancakes made me cry and have an identity crisis, but not for the reasons you think.

It was really hard to write.

#SanFrancisco #Racism #AAPI #Food #ChineseFood #Blog

Recently I read a book about the Chinese community in and around Sacramento. Many of them huddled in smaller, less urban areas because of anti-Chinese violence in San Francisco Chinatown; as well as to flee white supremacists who killed them, at various points throughout the late 19th and early 20th century.

That gives me more perspectives when I read stories like these.

More info on places like Locke

#AAPI #California

"The LA-based Pilipino Workers Center has helped Filipinos win wage theft cases against abusive employers. It has also secured a $35 million budget for education and outreach programs that empower domestic workers, including caregivers, nannies and house cleaners."

#labor #aapi #aanhpi #wagetheft

#AmListening to Year of the Tiger by Alice Wong. An incredible #memoir by a #disability #activist and all around interesting woman. Always appreciate real world stories of Asian women being productively angry and having a great sense of humor.

#asian #aapiliterature #aapimastodon #aapi #book #bookstodom #audiobook #nonfiction @bookstodon