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Items tagged with: asian

Which Southeast Asian country grows the most delicious mangoes?

#Polls #Fruits #TootSEA #ASEAN #Mango #Philippines #Indonesia #Food #Asian #Dessert #Survey #Asia #Poll #TropicalFruit

  • Indonesia (22%, 4 votes)
  • Thailand (11%, 2 votes)
  • Philippines (66%, 12 votes)
  • Vietnam (0%, 0 votes)
18 voters. Poll end: 2 months ago

In Filipino families, the eldest daughter is the "parentified" sibling, bearing "the brunt of domestic responsibilities: they are expected to cook, clean, run errands, and babysit their siblings while the parents are out working."

#Philippines #Filipinos #Women #Families #FilipinoCulture #Pinas #Pinoy #SpotPH #TootSEA #Asia #Asian

#AmListening to Year of the Tiger by Alice Wong. An incredible #memoir by a #disability #activist and all around interesting woman. Always appreciate real world stories of Asian women being productively angry and having a great sense of humor.

#asian #aapiliterature #aapimastodon #aapi #book #bookstodom #audiobook #nonfiction @bookstodon
