Items tagged with: confessions
Forgive me Father and Mothers for I have sinned,
1. As a #wannabe #vegan, I had two smoked streaky pig rashers and two egg fu yung for breakfast. How do they get the pigs to smoke?
2. ...washed down with my 'do not use caffeine' pot of coffee with fruit and nut chocolate for afters. I have a nut allergy. Which makes me allergic to myself. Auto-immune disease. Which I thought meant I was allergic to cars.
3. Hail Ivanka full of race, blessed art thou amongst refugees. No... wait that is not quite right. Oh well good thing I prefer the Eastern Orthodox Church.
Just now I tried to boot into EasyOS from a USB key drive and I could not. I think my BIOS has been Debianised. All I wanted to do was run Idle and Python from Debian. Could not. 🙄
#DeepSeek found some efficient code to generate a 288 RND password. Wait a minute what do I want passwords for...
As I was saying Mothers and Fathers I have sinned. I as an ex-Puppy user, I will run as the Root of all OS, so help me COD...
...and now back to the serious stuff, which in a world/terra/terror Gaia gone mad is seriously easy to fund but not find or vice versa... 🦞