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Items tagged with: montana

B/c it was not enough to silence her voice on the House floor, #Montana Republicans have banished Rep. #ZooeyZephyr from the state legislature for the rest of the session. She will not be permitted to represent her 11,000 constituents who elected her to speak for them. GOP lawmakers misgendered Zephyr & accused her of violating decorum by opposing their anti-trans bills & saying they would have β€œblood on their hands”. Protesters who supported her were arrested. This is what #fascism looks like.

AquΓ­ les van unas de la ΓΊltima salida a la #montaΓ±a. Ruta nueva con algunas personas nuevas y una experiencia siempre enriquecedora.

Comencemos con un par de las veredas de ascenso.
