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Items tagged with: nist

they're accepting public comments until October 7th, 2024.

I'm not American, nor do I have any particular industry experience with facial recognition other than a broad knowledge that biometric authentication is very often a terrible idea.

Perhaps someone on fedi who has a bigger stake in this wants to draft some open letter or something? I will happily add my signature to anything that raises these concerns in a well-considered manner.

I'll probably write something short if nothing substantial is organized before that deadline, but it would probably be more effective coming from a broader coalition.

#NIST #infosec

As usual great post from @yatil…

Fixing issues in development is way cheaper for sure. Wish #NIST had some values for fixing issues upstream? So many problems could be fixed (I think) if we pushed to fix accessibility issues in the software that we use.

Open source is a big part of the internet. Almost everything includes some open source packages. How do we get folks contributing beyond the scope of their project?