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#DebConf22 closes in Prizren and #DebConf23 dates announced (now with group photo!)…

in reply to Debian

Shouldn't DebConf make a clear statement that although it accepts money (sponsorship) from corporations with abominable reputations in relation to the #FreeSoftware community, there will be no tolerance of suppressing criticism of any of those corporations during DebConf?

It looks rather shocking to see Microsoft and Google logos in association with Debian, but as long as participants are "fully allowed to bite the hand feeding them", the compromise could at least be defended.

#DebConf22 photos, by Aigars Mahinovs…

Thank you to all the people who made #DebConf22 possible! The DebConf organisation team, Debian Video Team, our speakers, volunteers, and attendees. Would you like to join for organising the next DebConf? If so visit and contact the DebConf team.

After lunch, all the events continue in Drini room. Imagine "DebConf 25: In your city?" at 12:00 UTC, followed by the DebConf23 BoF. After a break, at 15:00 UTC we'll have the #DebConf22 Closing Ceremony. Follow the streaming at…

We at #DebConf22 continue at 09:00 UTC with "An introduction to V - the vlang" in Drini, "Contributing with Debian translations" in Lumbardhi and the Debian India BoF in Ereniku…

We're in the last day of #DebConf22! At 8:00 UTC "Fixing the firmware mess" in Drini and "Digital Activism using Free Software" in Lumbardhi - see the schedule for today at…

Last set of short talks for today: at 15:00 UTC in Drini: "What is DPKG_ROOT? And what is it not?" followed by "What's New in GNOME 42". In Lumbardhi, "Next steps for HA in Debian" at 15:00 UTC followed by "Outreachy Project: Yarn plugin to resolve node modules installed as Debian packages via apt", and in Ereniku the Debian Hamradio BoF will happen from 15:00 UTC until 16:00 UTC…

At 13:00 UTC there will be the Diversity Team round table in Drini, the Debian Brasil BoF in Lumbardhi and the Debian Derivatives BoF in Ereniku. Follow the live streaming from #Debconf22 website

After lunch we continue at 12:00 UTC with "Scalable Support for Linux Users: A Guide for Overwhelmed SysAdmins" in Drini. In Lumbardhi room, #DebConf22 attendants will share interesting stories about travel to DebConfs in the "DebConf Travelogue" session, and the Python Team will have their BoF (discussion session) in Ereniku…

Live at 09:00 UTC in #DebConf22, "pristine-lfs: a robust replacement for pristine-tar using Git LFS" in Drini, " current status and next steps" in Lumbardhi and the Local Teams BoF in Ereniku…

Good morning from #DebConf22! Today we will start at 08:00 UTC with the sound art performance "Debian: Resistance is Futile" in Drini room, the talk "Solving "How Can I Run Debian on My Chromebook?" For Good" in Lumbardhi and the BoF in Ereniku. See the schedule for today at…

As a closing for today for our wider audience, last set of sessions at 15:00 UTC: "Lightning talks" in Drini, Community Team BoF in Lumbardhi and pkg-config / pkgconf BoF in Ereniku - #DebConf22 attendants will later enjoy the Conference Dinner in Prizren.

At 13:00 UTC, "The current state of Debian on smartphones" in Drini, "GNU/Linux Adoption Policy" in Lumbardhi and Debian Science BoF in Ereniku…

After lunch #DebConf22 continues at 12:00 UTC with "Building the Cooperative Community Cloud with Debian" in Drini and the Ruby Team BoF in Ereniku…

At 9:00 UTC we'll have the traditional talk "What's new in the Linux kernel (and what's missing in Debian)" in Drini, short talk "Building a busybox based Debian rootfs with mmdebstrap" followed by "debian/copyright improvement" at Lumbardhi and the Android tools BoF in Ereniku - to watch the live streaming, click on the room names in the schedule or from the homepage of #DebConf22 website

Today we start with "Introduction to setting up the Debian Packaging Development Environment" at 8:00 UTC in Drini, "Debian Brazil: What's going on with our local communities" in Lumbardhi, Debian Long Term Support BoF in Ereniku and Youth visit in Mirusha (no streaming)…

The final talks of day 4 in #DebConf22 are at 15:00 UTC: "Debian, the project, and the community mindset in Africa" in Drini, "Meet the Technical Committee" in Lumbardhi, "use Perl; Annual meeting of the Debian Perl Group" in Ereniku and "Puppet 7 packaging BoF" in Mirusha (no streaming)…

If you're attending #DebConf22 in person and if you have previous DebConf T-shirts with you, please bring them for the group photo session. See…

Second half of day 4 in #DebConf22 starts at 12:00 UTC with talks "How Ubuntu and Debian GNOME work better together" and "Interoperability and the metaverse: Positioning Debian in the emerging ecosystem" at 13:00 UTC in Drini, spontaneous cross bulding BOF at 12:00 UTC and "Debian Academy BoF" at 13:00 UTC in Ereniku.…

At 9:00 UTC in #DebConf22 "How Can We, Help You, Help Us, Help You...Help Us...Help You?" in Drini, "Running Debian Desktop in Containers" in Lumbardhi and "Best practice of using porterbox" in Ereniku…

The fourth day of #DebConf22 begins at 8:00 UTC with "Build Debian based embedded images in the cloud" in Drini, a talk about "How we are building our local community" in Lumbardhi and LXQt Team Bof in Ereniku. See the full schedule for today at…

"Deconstruction of the DAM hat" in Drini, "Fonts! In! Space! By Which I Mean Designspace!" in Lumbardhi and Debian Art BoF at Ereniku starts at 15:00 UTC…

"Reproducible Builds for Bullseye, Bookworm and beyond - where we come from and where we are going" happens live in Lumbardhi and Debian installer and images team BoF at Ereniku from 13:00 UTC…

Join us after the lunch at 12:00 UTC for "My All-round Experience with Debian" in Drini, "Investigating a tier system for Release Architectures" in Lumbardhi and a workshop on "Making sound and music with Live Coding: First steps on Debian" in Mirusha (no streaming)…

Entire telecomm infrastructure of Iceland sold to private equity


Talks at 9:00 UTC in #DebConf22 are "Riding on a Train with Debian?" in Drini and Outreach Team BoF in Ereniku…

It's the third day of #DebConf22, we start with "OpenPGP Web-of-Trust: A way forward?" in Drini, "Meet the Host: DebConf in the Innovation and Training Park (ITP) Prizren" in Lumbardhi and "Live Coding for art, sound and visuals" in Ereniku at 8:00 UTC…

Last set of talks at #DebConf22 for today: at 15:00 UTC we'll have "Installing Gitlab on #Debian using packages from the FastTrack repository" in Drini room, "Consfigurator: declarative configuration management in Common Lisp" in Lumbardhi, and autopkgtest office hours in Ereniku…

During the afternoon break (and at any time with no live streaming) you can watch the sponsors loop (the video shown in between talks) spiced with some background music, some useful information (like the schedule and announcements), and... clips contributed by our lovely DebConf attendees! This is our virtual mascot Loopy Loop. Learn more about it here…

At the same time (13:00 UTC), the DebConf Committee will have a BoF (discussion session) in Ereniku room, also streamed:…

At 13:00 UTC we can learn about "Fast Track repository for delivering fast paced projects" in Drini, follow the streaming…

After the lunch break, #DebConf22 continues at 12:00 UTC with "Sequoia-PGP, v5 OpenPGP, Authentication, and Debian" in Drini room and the "Arm ports update" in Lumbardhi room…

18/07/2022: Stephan's Quintet from Webb, Hubble, and Subaru

Daytrip at #DebConf22 is on July 21st Thursday, and those who are attending the conference in person can sign up for any of them at… If you need help with that, go to Front desk

"What's new in APT this decade?" is happening at 9:00 UTC in Drini room and a BoF "GNOME metapackage reorganization" in Ereniku. A BoF by DebConf bursary team will happen at the same time in Mirusha (no streaming)…