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Items tagged with: FreeSoftware

Our native language projects translate #LibreOffice into 100 languages, making the software usable for billions around the globe! Learn what they did in 2023:… #foss #opensource #freesoftware

What? TWO new good first bugs have been opened in the #Matrix #Rust SDK repository? Is this Christmas?…… is even a set of incremental changes that can be picked up one by one

Good luck, and don't hesitate to chime in / ask for help on Github or our Matrix channel… :blobcathug:

#RustLang #OpenSource #FreeSoftware

Thanks to and we have a redesigned home page for

#XMPP #FreeSoftware #FOSS #OpenSource

We are hosting a public XMPP / #Jabber service for 8+ years and you can request an account now. You can learn more about XMPP / Jabber at

With a account and app like Monocles Chat or Monal, you can talk to users of many others messaging apps like Quicksy or Prav.

What's your favourite #FreeSoftware that is #NotOnGitHub (or on other proprietary code forges like

Let us know in the comments! Feel free to also share code from other #Forgejo instances, #Sourcehut or other platforms.

#FreeLibreSoftware #LibreSoftware #Opensource #FLOSS #FOSS #GiveUpGithub #GitHub

#XMPP #community sprint comes to an end

Developers of #Dino @dino, #Kaidan @kaidan, #Libervia @Goffi, #Monal @Monal, #Prose @prose, #Renga (#HaikuOS) and even #Debian and #ejabberd met in #Berlin to work on e.g. "#XEP-0394: #MessageMarkup", #OMEMO, and A/V calls.

Thanks to the #XSF @xmpp for sponsoring yesterday's dinner and very big thanks to #Wikimedia Deutschland e.V. @wikimediaDE for hosting us! 🙏

#Jabber #freeSoftware #digitalSovereignty

I promised myself that I wouldn't return to this, but the maintainer of #PyNose while "leading a busy life" found time to grace us with a "post-mortem" to the "license confusion". Do I have to point out that it just keeps adding insult to injury?

Some interesting things we learn:

• we "mainly came from Reddit and 4Chan."
• "Certainly looks legal if Microsoft can do it."
• or maybe not… "even big companies can get licensing wrong sometimes."
• …and in general, past actions of Microsoft justify everything.
• he's the hero "who fixes unmaintained Python packages that businesses still depend on", while we're all the villains.

In the end, the biggest issue remains. The guy's so full of himself that he still didn't realize that license wasn't the real problem. The problem was that he was a complete asshole about it, and this "post-mortem" proves that he still is completely incapable of self-reflection.

• […] "pynose will continue to be shipped with Linux distributions around the world."

I wonder why would we want to do that, given that he already banned people participating in the original thread from reporting bugs.

#Gentoo #Python #FreeSoftware #OpenSource

— Them: “Please test #GNOMECalendar's sidebar again”
— Me, coming back from another round of testing: “Code’s haunted”
— Them: “What?”
— Me, loading a pistol and getting back to the bug tracker: “Code’s haunted”…

#MaintainerLife #FreeSoftware #OpenSource #QA #testing #programming #GNOME

The #NGI Zero consortium, of which the FSFE is a partner, is granting small and medium R&D projects developing #FreeSoftware technologies that can improve the Internet.

Find more about the NGI Zero Common Fund:


But, and please pardon me for perhaps a stupid question...

Under "non-qualifying vulnerabilities" it says "Everything not in the qualifiying vulnerabilties list[...]".

But the last entry under "qualifying vulnerabilities" is, and I quote the list entry in full: "Other".

What gives?

#GNOME #infosec #FreeSoftware #security #BugBounty #OpenSource #cybersecurity

Do you want to help secure GNOME and get a reward? 🏅

We are testing a new program in which people get a payment for reporting and/or solving vulnerabilities.…

From €500 to €10,000 depending on criticality 💶

For now only GLib is in scope but we will expand the list of modules and advertise as the program grows.

In partnership with @yeswehack and @sovtechfund

#GNOME #infosec #FreeSoftware #security #bugBounty #OpenSource #cybersecurity

New on // The #Matrix #Conference by The Foundation on 19-22 September 2024 in Mitosis LAB in #Berlin, #Germany…

Call for participation is running until 26.06.2024


#TheMatrixConference #foss #floss #freesoftware #opensource #events #europe

People ignoring issue reporting templates in FOSS projects has to be one of the most demotivating things. They file an issue, implicitly demanding my time and attention, but explicitly choose to not provide any of the information needed to fix that issue, despite being prompted for it.

I guess the kicker is that it demonstrates that action I take to try and make issue triage easier is explicitly dismissed. i.e. I can do nothing to make things better.

#FreeSoftware #MaintainerLife

The conversation with @josh and @matthew about @matrix on @FLOSS_Weekly was fascinating and for once I would have enjoyed more than an hour. Matthew's frustration with trying to explain to legislators why #ChatControl and #OnlineSafetyBill are so misguided was especially striking - I do hope @EUCommission listen.…

#OpenSource #FreeSoftware #Matrix

Join our team! We're on the lookout for a tech-savvy team member with a passion for helping others with hardware and software issues. If you have experience with GNU/Linux systems, Debian-based distros, and have a knack for support, we want to hear from you. #TechSupportJobs #jobopening #techsupport #Purism #FreeSoftware

Hey #Mastodon! In today's world, software seems to be in EVERYTHING. Your phone, your fridge, even that high-tech "smart" fork you got for Christmas. But here's the real fork in the road: Who controls that software? Big Tech, Big Gov, or Big Brother? Spoiler alert: it's probably not you. #StayInControl with #FreeSoftware #SoftwareFreedom @fsf

Picture this: your "smart" microwave connects to WiFi, downloads cooking apps, and suggests recipes for that leftover food. You want to change things but whoops - you can't: It only takes instructions from its maker. That is why #FreeSoftware is so important. It's not just making sure your gadgets work—it's making sure they work for *you*. So whether you're reheating leftovers or preparing a Michelin-star meal, remember: your software should serve you, not the other way around.

With more than three weeks to go for the first Purism game jam. Now is the perfect time to join in all the free software fun!…
#purism #purismgamejam #gamejam #gamedev #freesoftware

We are excited to announce the theme of our first game jam is: "symbiotic." Devs have one month to create an Open Source video game around the theme!…
#purism #purismgamejam #gamejam #gamedev #freesoftware

The first Purism Free Software Game Jam is almost here, scheduled for June 10th! Join us in creating free software games to promote freedom-respecting software and hardware. Don't miss this opportunity to be a part of shaping the future of open-source gaming! #FreeSoftware #GameJam #purism…

:opensource: :flag_un: Pleased to be able to announce my day job: The exciting new Open Source Ecosystem Enabler (OSEE), a collaboration between between the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Read more about the initiative:

#OpenSource #FreeSoftware

In non-web applications, #accessibility has long been confined to only a handful of the largest, most well-resourced UI toolkits, leaving a large proportion of #freesoftware inaccessible to disabled people. @accesskit aims to solve this problem by providing an accessibility abstraction and glue layer that can be reused by many toolkits across programming languages. Learn more at #LibrePlanet 2024:

Did you know that #LibreOffice has a tabbed user interface option? Make sure you're using the latest release, LibreOffice 24.2, to get the most from it! (And you can find it in the menu under View > User Interface...) #foss #opensource #freesoftware

Something special is happening in May: it's the Month of #LibreOffice! Join our project, learn new things, and grab a cool sticker pack (or extra merch) as thanks:… #foss #OpenSource #freesoftware

Sind die Schulzimmer unserer Kinder sicher vor Datenklau durch Amerikanische Gross-Konzerne? Diese Frage stellte sich ein Dänischer Vater, weil in der Schule #Chromebook zum Einsatz kommen. Pädagogen und Schulleiter sollten dringend vermehrt auf den Einsatz von freier Software für Schüler plädieren!

#schule #datenschutz #freesoftware #opensource


@prav is looking for an #iOS developer to build Prav App on iOS. So far we have raised 500+ USD for this work via If you are an iOS developer and interested in this work, contact us or knows someone who will be interested, share this with them. If you or any contacts use iPhone donate now to make joining #XMPP easier. #FreeSoftware We need more coordinated effort to break monopoly of #WhatsApp in messaging. Your support is crucial in this challenging task.

You don't need a new computer for up-to-date software ... just the right software!

Come to #Umweltfestival 2024 in #Berlin to learn about the role of independent #FreeSoftware in the sustainable use of hardware.

🗓️ Sunday 28 April, 11-19h
📍 Straße des 17. Juni (Brandenburg Gate)

#KDEEco together with #FSFE (@fsfe) and Bits & Bäume (@bitsundbaeume_berlin) will be there! Some in the #GNOME and #postmarketOS community may be joining as well :)


#KDE #BMUV #UBA #GermanEnvAgency #OpenSource

:fedora: Congratulations to the entire @fedora community on the release of F40!

And this is awesome: The "Slimbook Fedora 2" laptop looks like a great way to get more people up and running with #FreeSoftware and best of all, they donate 3% of the proceeds to @gnome.

#Fedora #GNOME #OpenSource #Slimbook…

Today more companies are announcing their support of the Valkey community (the group that includes committed developers previously working on the OSS version of the core Redis engine): Aiven, Alibaba Cloud, Chainguard, Heroku, Huawei, Percona, and Verizon.

#OSSummit #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #FOSS #OSS #Redis #Valkey #Community #LinuxFoundation…

Now on stage for the morning #OSSummit keynotes, core team member Madelyn Olson to speak about the new Valkey community effort.

The walk-on music: "We are never ever getting back together" by Taylor Swift. 🤣

Love it!

#OSSummit #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #FOSS #OSS #Redis #Valkey #Community #LinuxFoundation

🇪🇺 #EUelections are getting closer! Get active and make your voice be heard about #SoftwareFreedom!

🤔 How?

💡 For example, you can use our share-pic generator and share why you support our “Public Money? Public Code!” campaign. Post your share-pic on social media and encourage others to do the same! 🚀

#PublicCode #PMPC #FreeSoftware

More ideas here:…

We are part of the #ZOOOMProject consortium, a #HorizonEU project with the purpose of promoting open technologies. 🚀

💡 Recently, the :fsfe: #FSFE legal team produced 4 chapters in 2 comprehensive reports, dealing with many topics, and providing empirical data on #FreeSoftware topics in 🇪🇺 in relation to critical technologies, such as AI.

📃 Check them out!

⚠ NGI Zero Commons Fund 2nd call ⚠

Are you developing or contributing to #FreeSoftware that contributes to the vision of the Next Generation Internet?

💥 You might be eligible for the @nlnetlabs funds!

💡 Find out more information and how to apply here: ⤵️…

Elections for the #EUParliament take place 6-9 June 2024.

Get active and ensure #SoftwareFreedom is part of the larger political debate!

Spread the word about #FreeSoftware among candidates running for the 🇪🇺 elections!…

"You have to understand, we’re responsible for taxpayer money here. We can’t just make a donation to your open source project."

— a national government who relies on #Matrix when being asked to support it financially

Read more about the problem and some initiatives that are responding to it:…

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #FLOSS #funding #xz #sustainability

💥 Elections in the 🇪🇺 European Union are getting closer and closer! 👀

ℹ️ As candidates are busy with electoral campaigns, NOW is the moment to get active and question them about their position on #FreeSoftware 🤔

💡 We have created a reference guide to make it easier for you to contact them ‼️…

What is #FreeSoftware ⁉️

💡️ Advocating for #SoftwareFreedom starts from understanding its basic concepts and its fundamental values: the freedoms of using, understanding, sharing, and adapting the code. 🚀️

🤔️ Learn more by watching our video, translated in 14 languages! 💕️…