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Online media can be overwhelming. It's fragmented between countless services, websites, social networks, and apps.

You need an app that weaves together an overview of nearly everything that’s happening across all the different services you follow.

That’s our vision for Project Tapestry, the new Kickstarter we're launching today.

#ProjectTapestry #Fediverse #iOSDev

in reply to The Iconfactory

Project Tapestry is a universal chronological timeline of your favorite social media services, blogs, RSS feeds & more. All updates in one place, in the order they’re posted with no algorithm deciding what you see or when you see it.

But we need your help! Check out our Kickstarter campaign to learn more about the project and the backer rewards we have planned, then make a pledge to help us turn Project Tapestry into a reality.

#ProjectTapestry #Fediverse #iOSDev