Items tagged with: fediverse


Items tagged with: fediverse

🎉 Die heutige Fediverse-Sprechstunde ist zu Ende.

Ein herzliches Dankeschön geht an @gunchleoc für ihre Ausführungen zu #Peertube inklusive Liveupdate von PeerTube! Wir hatten eine spannende Runde mit vielseitigen Themen, die sowohl für #neuhier als auch für fortgeschrittene Nutzer interessant waren.
Mein Dank gilt auch allen Teilnehmenden der Sprechstunde, die sich aktiv eingebracht und so erneut zu einer gelungenen Veranstaltung beigetragen haben.

🗓️ Der nächste Termin steht bereits fest: Donnerstag 24.04.2025 um 19:30 Uhr
Thema: #Lemmy mit @Ranslite
Weitere Details folgen.

Lang lebe Fediverse! 🚀🌐
#Fediverse #Mastodon #Hubzilla #Friendica #Peertube

#OpenStreetMap hat ein ähnliches Problem wie #Mastodon / #Fediverse aus Sicht des naiven Users: Die Pluralität der Server.

Zwar gibt es als Anlaufstelle, aber dann gibt's zig Websites und Apps, die sogar besser sind, aber wie finde ich die jetzt?

Man weiß nicht, wohin.

Ich habe vergessen, eine Buchmarke zu setzen. Da gab's doch mal so eine Variante mit Metadaten-Ansicht links in so einer Sidebar, die war so mehr wie Google Maps.

Hey Fediverse!

I'm micr0, creator of @altbot, the open-source bot that helps generate alt-text for images on the Fediverse to make content more accessible.

What's New in 2.1?

After successfully moving image processing to local hardware with version 2.0, I've now brought video processing capability back - but with a major privacy upgrade! Altbot can now generate descriptions for videos completely locally and privately without sending content to Google or any other third-party services.

Important note: Currently, video processing is visual-only and doesn't include audio transcription. The audio processing Google was doing was some serious black magic fuckery that isn't possible to replicate locally with current technologies. But the visual descriptions are excellent and totally private!

With this update:

  • All processing happens locally with zero data retention
  • Complete privacy for all content
  • No data used for training models
  • Videos processed with the same privacy standards as images

I've also maintained Altbot's focus on energy efficiency - while video processing naturally requires more resources than images, I've implemented it to be as efficient as possible, keeping power consumption to a minimum while still delivering great results.

Thank You for Your Support!

I want to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped me reach my donation goal on Ko-fi with the 2.0 launch! Your generosity made it possible to set up the local processing infrastructure that powers this privacy-focused service.

The response from the community has been incredible, and it means so much to know that privacy and accessibility are values we share.

What's Next for Altbot?

I'm already working on exciting future developments:

  • An Altbot API that will allow developers to integrate alt-text generation into their applications
  • Direct integration with Fediverse software platforms - I'm collaborating with instance developers to make accessibility a built-in feature!

Remember that Altbot has always been and remains fully open-source, with self-hosting being a core feature from day one for anyone who wants to run their own instance.

Supporting Ongoing Development & Infrastructure

Altbot currently runs on hardware in my home, which means I'm covering all the electricity costs for powering the GPU server that processes your media. While I've designed the system to be energy-efficient, running a dedicated AI server still impacts my monthly power bill.

Monthly donations would be especially helpful in sustainably supporting:

  • Ongoing electricity costs
  • Time spent on development and maintenance
  • Future infrastructure improvements

Even small recurring contributions can make a huge difference in keeping this service running reliably and allowing me to dedicate more time to improvements!

Ways to Support:

  • Ko-fi (one-time or monthly):
  • Ethereum: 0xC992E57236eb9F30E79d0469446a6CF08Be05939

I've added the ETH option for those who prefer crypto or don't want to use PayPal!

Version 2.1 also includes various internal improvements and bug fixes that make everything run more smoothly behind the scenes.

Thanks again for your support in making the web more accessible without compromising on privacy!

Feel free to boost or reach out with questions! For press inquiries:

#Accessibility #Privacy #Fediverse #AltText #Altbot

📢 Novinky v Tusky! 🦣🚀
Boostování dostalo vylepšení – teď můžeš kontrolovat, kdo uvidí tvoje boosty!

🔹 Public Boost – viditelný pro všechny, objeví se na veřejné časové ose.
🔹 Unlisted Boost – nezobrazí se na veřejné časové ose, ale lidé ho uvidí na tvém profilu.
🔹 Follower Only Boost – sdílíš jen se svými sledujícími, nikdo jiný ho neuvidí.
#tusky #Mastodon #Boosty #Fediverse

There's a lot of #art on the #fediverse.
As a blind person who doesn't need this stuff I need #advice.

my daughter will need to use #Adobe #Photoshop from September.
Is an #ARM #Surface a good idea? I'm wanting a balance of battery life and functionality. #Windows is probably essential given other concerns.

Ich habe gerade den "Leitfaden für den Instanz-Betrieb im dezentralen Netzwerk - Datenschutz bei Mastodon" von gefunden.
Dieser gibt neben grundsätzlichen Informationen auf was Instanzbetreiber achten müssen, vor allem auch eine sehr praktische Sammlung an Musterdokumenten unter CC BY-ND 4.0-Lizenz. Ihr könnt es also für euere Instanzen anpassen und nutzen.

Auch relevant für @Friendica Admins / @Friendica Support

Auf einem abstrakten Niveau sind die Anforderungen, die wir beschreiben, auch auf andere Plattformen des Fediverse übertragbar. Dennoch gibt es einige Aspekte, die von der konkreten Plattform und Software-Implementierung abhängen. So sind zum Beispiel die Möglichkeiten, rechtliche Texte einzubinden und anzuzeigen, unterschiedlich.…

#impressum #dsgvo #fediverse #friendica #mastodon #tos #deutschland #datenschutz

Man, I'd hate to be named Nicole on the #fediverse with the recent spam wave going on. Looking at Lemmy modlogs, there are multiple accounts banned with the ban reason "for being Nicole."

Have any small instance admins switched over to glitch-soc? Thoughts?

I want markdown support & I'm tired of waiting for vanilla mastodon to get it together

curious of your experiences 👀 :fediverse:

#MastoAdmin #fediverse

Do you toot in multiple languages?

You can set the language for your toot in its settings, usually next to the button for making posts private.

Please always set your posts to the correct language!

This helps us in several ways:

* Allows filtering for posts in languages we do not understand.
* Allows the use of automatic translation software.
* Helps screen reader software select the correct voice engines.


»For years, the internet has been shrinking. Not in size, not in data, but in ownership.

A vast, decentralized network of personal blogs, forums, and independent communities has been corralled into a handful of paved prison yards controlled by a few massive corporations.«

#internet #web #fediverse…

Would you help a poor single-user Friendica server admin out and boost this post?

Boosting will increase the number of servers my server federates with.


EDIT: that is probably not exactly how it works, but it kinda depends on which of the myriad of ActivityPub servers is seeing the boost, and I haven't checked all of them on how they decide what to pull in. For sure, having someone follow an account on the friendica server will have that friendica server push updates to the server of the follower, but other than that? Who knows :)

Thanks for the overwhelming amount of boosts anyway, and thanks to those following :)

#fediverse #friendica #SelfHosting #SelfHosted

Folks, when we are building spaces out here, please please please remember that people from marginalised communities who have built an income by participating in centralised social media, can't just drop everything there and start again. They will be extremely aware that every second they continue to use it, feeds the oligarch machine, but they need to feed, clothe, and house themselves. We do not all have the ability to just up and abandon established spaces.

These oligarch driven machines are extremely aware of this, and they make it difficult to leave on purpose.

Rather than saying DUMP THAT AND COME HERE OR YOU PERPETUATE FACISM, help create spaces for them that feel welcoming so they can grow new places here. This means making sure you don't fuck up early on and forget about people who aren't white nerdy blokes (I like white nerdy blokes too, but a lot of you need to pay attention!)

An example would be when Bluesky was still in invite mode, they failed BADLY to make sure racist usernames and the like could be deployed at sign up. You'd hope that disallowing slurs of ANY kind would be implemented from the get-go, but they weren't. When the Black trans community spoke up about it, it went ignored for too long, and all the while the platform contined to grow.

If you want people to come and participate in spaces where oligarchs don't reign, then make sure it's safe for everyone. There's no excuse for not doing this, you can't claim ignorance to this, and then ask people to abandon hard built spaces. You should know better.

Building new things means paying attention to things far outside our own experiences. If you don't know what to do, then hire someone who can educate you. Don't skimp on this, because it WILL bite you in the ass, as the saying goes. #decentralised #decentralized #fediverse #getfedihired


One excellent example of feeding the machine but can't stop, is #substack. It's an Andreessen Horowitz product, and they're directly linked to funding those terrible fascists currently taking a wrecking ball to America. So many people on the left continue to use it, because they've built a platform there. I've had to check MYSELF recently because I loathe seeing it used, but it's not as easy as that unless you're wealthy and just writing for funsies.

Poslední den volna, tak to ještě přidám jednu kratší vyjížďku. Snad už brzo otevřou cyklo hospůdku 😊
Krásné úterní #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse 🖖

OK, #Friendica potřebuje opravdu podstatně lepší moderaci .. těch 250 komentářů předchozího postu, kdy 150 je pouze trolling, vůbec nejde vyčistit a to ani když to udělám jako admin instance.

Takže moje instance teď plevelí #Fediverse všema možnýma nácíčkama a já nevim čim všim ještě zatímco já marně koukám na workera, kterej se s tim ještě ani nezačal pokoušet prát..... :/

An appreciation thread:

What are the #software tools you use daily (in your personal, not professional life) whose creators have an official presence on the #fediverse? I'll start:

#OS : #TuxedoOS by @tuxedocomputers

Email: @Tutanota

Instant Communications: @signalapp and @threemaapp

Notes: @notesnook

Browsers: @Vivaldi and @torproject

Password Manager: @keepassxc

VPN: @ivpn

Podcasts: @AntennaPod

Music Player: @videolan

Yes, I use all of these products DAILY, and I am grateful to their developers for making world-class products and teams for choosing to have an official presence here.

🚀 Zpravobot byl aktualizován! 🎉
Právě jsme aktualizovali instance Mastodonu Zpravobot na nejnovější verzi 4.3.4! 📢

#Mastodon #Zpravobot #Update #OpenSource #Fediverse

A (hopefully good) comparison of decentralised video sharing platforms like @loops, @peertube and @owncast to centralised platforms like Youtube and Tiktok went online yesterday.…

#blog #fediverse #Loops #Peertube #Owncast #Youtube #Tiktok

#MastoAdmin folks who weren't around the #Fediverse and #Mastodon back in 2018 may not know (or those who were, may have forgotten) how unpopular trending tags were when the project leader forced it despite extensive criticism about creating abuse vectors and clawing back promises of creating an algorithm-free network.


We're still $76k away from our stretch goal to establish a non-profit.

We're already working on it, and can't wait to build a sustainable, long term home for our ecosystem of projects!

That being said, if you could help us reach $200k, we can hire more team members.

Please spread the word, we need ethical and safe alternative platforms more than ever!…

#pixelfed #loops #kickstarter #fediverse

Fediverse Report – #104

Mastodon has announced it will add quote posts to the platform, and some more news.

The News

Mastodon has announced it is adding quote posts to the platform, a long-awaited feature. Mastodon got a grant by NLnet in 2024 to add quote posts, and they are now sharing an update on their work. Mastodon is adding a variety of features to quote posts, such as giving people the ability to opt out of being quote posted. They will publish the technical work to support quote posts as Fediverse Enhancement Proposals, and Mastodon is currently in the process of writing these proposals. The organisation does not say when quote posts will be added, only noting that it ‘will still take more time to develop.’

For a long time, Mastodon had not implemented quote posts because CEO Eugen Rochko saw them as bad. His main concern is that quote posts lead to ‘dunking’ and toxic behaviour. Dunking refers to the behaviour where people use quote posts to ‘dunk’ on other people’s post, often with the intent that this mocking will lead to their followers to also mock and harass the original poster. Dunking was a visible part of Twitter’s culture, and in popular belief dunking and toxicity became linked together. Research showed a more complicated picture. Hilda Bastian analysed over 30 studies on quote tweeting, and concludes: “There’s conflicting evidence on whether QTs [quote Tweets] increase or decrease incivility, and whatever effect there is, it doesn’t seem to be major.

In 2023 Mastodon changed their opinion, and first started saying that the organisation was open to implementing quote posts. Still, toxic behaviour via dunking continued to be a main concern. This is visible in the accompanying design research that Mastodon has done in their work on quote posts. Mastodon’s view seems to be that quote posts are toxic at it’s core, saying that “the team started out with a shared view that Quote Posts can be misused.”

Mastodon takes a technical approach to dealing to the purported problem of toxicity of quote posts, and the blog posts lists three features to mitigate it: people can choose if their posts are able to be quoted, people get notified if they are quoted, and there will be the ability to withdraw your post from the quoted context. Bluesky also has these features for quote posts, and they’re generally received well. What I find missing here is a take by Mastodon on the effect of these features on Bluesky. Mastodon sees quote posts as being dangerous, and that is why they will implement some features to mitigate the risk. But do they think that quote posts are being used well on Bluesky? Is Bluesky’s behaviour and culture around quote posts something that Mastodon is striving towards? I’m not clear to me what Mastodon’s answer is here.

Mastodon’s design research also says that they will display quotes in a different way to ‘steer away from dunk culture”‘, a feature not mentioned in Mastodon’s announcement blog post. Mastodon is planning to display a quote post by first showing the quote, and showing the reply below it. This is similar to how Tumblr does quote posts. But it differs from how all other platforms that interoperate with Mastodon display quote posts: fediverse native platforms like Misskey, Akkoma and Streams, as well as connected networks like Bluesky and Threads, all display quote posts by showing the reply at the top, and the quoted post below.

Mastodon’s position is that quote posts are a risky feature invite misuse, and thus need a variety of safety features. But Mastodon is not an isolated platform, it is connected to various other platforms that all have their own ideas about quote posts. If displaying quote posts Tumblr-style (quote above, comment below) is preferred over displaying them Twitter-style (comment above, quote below), what is the expectation on how other platforms should interact with Mastodon quotes? Is Misskey expected to display Mastodon’s quote post differently? Meanwhile, Mastodon is planning to display quotes that originate from Misskey not in the way that Misskey does (Twitter-style), but in their own manner (Tumblr-style), saying that it has “very little impact on the semantics”.

I find these statements hard to square: on the one hand, Mastodon says it how quote posts are displayed has little impact on the semantics of a post, but at the same time it is assumed to have enough of an impact in that it can reduce “dunking culture”. But if the manner a quote post is displayed can impact people’s behaviour, it automatically follows that the manner a quote post is displayed impacts its semantics, as otherwise there would be no impact on people’s behaviour either. But if the semantics of a post are altered by using a different display method for quote posts, than it means that Mastodon is taking an active decision to alter the semantics of posts made on other networks like Misskey and Bluesky.

Mastodon’s choice to use a different way of displaying quote posts than the other platforms in their network opens up a new interesting avenue for federated diplomacy. We’ve seen both ways of displaying quote posts be successful, the way posts are quoted is a significant part of how conversations flow on Tumblr. But what is new here is Mastodon is part of a federated network, and that means that their decisions impact other players, and their decisions have impact on Mastodon as well. This interaction between different display types of quote posts is something we have not really seen before, leading to some interesting new types of negotiations: how Mastodon expect Misskey to display Mastodon quote posts on Misskey? How does Threads feel about having their quote posts being displayed differently on Mastodon? What is the expected behaviour of Bridgy Fed, the bridge that connects Bluesky with Mastodon? All those questions are still open, and I’m curious what the answer will turn out to be.

Tumblr is still planning to join the fediverse. I reported this recently, and now TechCrunch got a followup and a confirmation from Automattic, saying that ‘Automattic declined to share a time frame as to when the migration would be complete, given its scale, but a rep for the company called the progress so far “exciting.”’

The Social Web Foundation (SWF) has announced they are now a formal member of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The W3C tends to favour institutional membership, but the W3C Social Community Group that concerns itself with ActivityPub is open to everyone. The SWF is working on various improvements to ActivityPub, such as adding end-to-end encryption and supporting data portability.

Event Federation is a WordPress plugin that extends the ActivityPub support plugin for WordPress by adding support for WordPress events. The plugin is now officially released as a 1.0 version.

Hexbear is a controversial Lemmy server that let domain expire. The Hexbear domain is now for sale, and an avid bidding war has driven up the price for the domain to over 2300 dollar at time of writing.

ForgeFed is an ActivityPub extension that adds federation support to software forges such as Forgejo. It has gotten a new NLnet grant, with the project now focusing on user research and documentation.

A few weeks ago, Fedidb removed fediverse platfrom GoToSocial from the database after refusing to honor robots.txt, and the GoToSocial developer spoofed data as retaliation. Fedidb developer Daniel Supernault later decided to properly add support for robots.txt, but stopped crawling for the entire fediverse in the meantime while it was implemented. Supernault now confirms that Fedidb honors robots.txt and has added GoToSocial back to the data set.

The Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne has set up their own Mastodon server for all community members, including students.

The Links


Our new NLnet grant is officially signed! We're starting work :) The main focus is:

- Creating materials to support the Forgejo federation implementation

- Documentation for the specification

- Implementing the Vervis backed API in the Anvil frontend

Forgejo could enjoy more Go developers joining the federation team! It might be the best way to contribute to forge federation right now.


@Peter Vágner @Dieguito 🦝🧑🏻‍💻🍕 How conversations work is not unified all across the Fediverse. Even how connections work is not unified.

Mastodon has taken over the follower/followed principle from Twitter which is always illustrated with arrows with one point. A following B is illustrated with an arrow from A to B. A being followed by B is illustrated with an arrow from B to A. A and B following each other mutually is illustrated with one arrow from A to B and one arrow from B to A.

It appears to me that Friendica has adopted this to become more compatible with Mastodon. But its several descendants, created by Friendica's own creator, starting with Hubzilla, haven't.

Hubzilla, (streams) and Forte still have the bidirectional "connection" or "contact" as the default. It's illustrated with one arrow, but with one point on each end.

Also, all three understand a threaded conversation as an enclosed contruct entirely owned by the conversation starter. Everyone on these three who has the start post on their stream always actually has the whole thread on their stream.

In fact, all three have Conversation Containers implemented. This feature was originally created in the streams repository in 2022. Forte has had it from the get-go as it started out as a fork of (streams). It was eventually turned into FEP-171b and backported to Hubzilla last year.

All three make sure that everyone who has a post on their stream also always has all comments on that post, at least those that are made after they have received the post.

This works on two basic principles:

  • All comments go directly to the original poster because the original poster owns the thread.
  • Those who have the post automatically receive all comments from the original poster.

In a pure Hubzilla/(streams)/Forte system, your above example would look like this:

  • User 1 and User 2 are connected.
  • User 1 and User 3 are connected. (This doesn't even matter.)
  • User 2 and User 3 are connected.
  • User 2 and User 4 are connected.

Much simpler than explaining everything with "following" and "being followed", isn't it?

Now, the conversation works like this.

  • User 2 sends a public post, thus creating a Conversation Container of which they are the owner.
    User 1, User 3 and User 4 receive the post.
  • User 3 comments on User 2's post.
    The comment goes from User 3 to User 2, who is the owner of the conversation, and it is automatically forwarded to User 1 and User 4 who already have User 2's post on their streams.
  • User 4 comments on User 3's comment.
    The comment goes from User 4 past User 3 straight to User 2, who is the owner of the conversation, and it is automatically forwarded to User 1 and User 3 who already have User 2's post on their streams.

The only mentioning that occurs here, if any, is User 4 mentioning User 3. This is not necessary for User 4's post to reach anyone. This is only necessary to make sure on Hubzilla (which doesn't have a tree view) that User 4 is replying to User 3's comment and not to User 2's post.

On Mastodon, for comparison, everything depends on who follows whom, who mentions whom and whose instance knows whose instance.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #Mastodon #Friendica #Hubzilla #Streams #(streams) #Forte #Conversations #FEP_171b #ConversationContainers

@matrix has gone from $0 to $561K in recurring revenue in just 2 years. But our expenses run $1.2M/yr.

We've burned through reserves and are at a crossroads.

It's the classic FOSS funding problem: use and adoption are at an all-time high, wealthy companies and countries use it, and secure decentralized comms have never been more important. And yet we can't pay our bills.

YOU have a role to play in shaping what comes next:…

#Matrix #FOSS #OpenSource #IndieWeb #Fediverse

#dobréRáno #fediverse
Trošku závidím. Kde je doba, kdy jsem kolem Kutné Hory jel na celodřevěných běžkách a bylo " -18".

This instance knows about 9202 other active instances. In the last 24 hours, it received 58027 posts. So that's like 6 posts per instance! There are a lot of underused #fediverse servers out there. Though, of course, that post number only includes posts that hit one of the 26 relays we subscribe to, or were made by someone we follow. There could be a bunch more local only or private posts on instances we share a relay with, and a bunch of instances that don't use any relay at all. But still, that number is surprising!

Adding meaningful alt-text is not only important for everyone using a screenreader and an essential #inclusion and #accessibility requirement. Alt-text is also searchable and used by filters. People who prefer to filter certain people and topics for mental health and other reasons can't filter memes or images without it. Please use alt-text and cw generously 🙏

Added bonus: with added alt-text you can find images in your own posts with "from:me" and people are more likely to boost your posts.

#screenreader #fediverse #Mastodon

One significant way Mastodon and the Fediverse have transformed digital culture is through the use of alt text. When I look back at my older images online and in my blogs, I rarely included alt text - even though I actively work on accessibility. For some reason, I simply overlooked it.

Now, every time I post something online, I take a moment to write alt text. Mastodon has changed my mindset, and I believe its impact extends far beyond this. The Fediverse encourages a level of consideration for others that no other social networking platform has before.

#A11y #Accessibility #AltText #Mastodon #Fediverse #SocialWeb #SocialNetwork #SocialMedia

Hallo #fediverse #poweruser, @helpers

Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es, im Fediverse mehrsprachig aufzutreten?
Kann man bei #zweisprachig-en Schreibern #Sprachen ausfiltern?

Das #Übersetzungstool der App ist nicht so gut.

Ich würde gerne mehr Leuten folgen, die Muttersprschenbeiträge, wenn ich sie nicht verstehe aber direkt ausblenden.
Ich weiss such, dass ich die Sprache des Posts markieren kann, aber wie ist das zu filtern?

Would you prefer that YOU ARE HIDDEN on the Fediverse?

That nobody (new) ever follows you?

That nobody (new) ever sees your posts?


They don't represent me. And I don't think they should (even implicitly) speak for me


Please boost for reach.

#Discoverable #Fediverse #Mastodon #NoIndex

  • No (71%, 296 votes)
  • Yes (12%, 52 votes)
  • Don't Care (8%, 34 votes)
  • Huh (7%, 32 votes)
414 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago