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Items tagged with: fediverse

Die Vielgestaltigkeit des #FediVerse finde ich dafür noch besser geeignet, als es Twitter je war. Frage mich auch, warum man diese Chance nicht nutzt. Just thought about this and decided to create a #GuppeGroup for #Christians, so Christians throughout the #Fediverse and #Mastodon can have a place to talk to and meet each other. For those who don't know about #Guppe groups, it's a group that automatically boosts posts mentioning it, and you can follow it to see posts.

Wow! I'm making #Bandwagon -- an open source, community-focused alternative to #Bandcamp that anyone can self-host.

As of this morning, there are 99 #Musicians and #Bands who have set up #Fediverse profiles on -- and half of those already indexable on search engines.

So I'm humbled by the number of people who are giving it a go. There's obviously lots of people out there looking for something new.

I promise to do my best to give y'all the tools you deserve.

Alright I'm organizing 6 weekly meetings with some very unwilling participants, so I need 6 loaf cake recipes to win them over... any recommendations? 🍰🍰🍰

Flavours so far:
- orange
- white chocolate raspberry
- pumpkin spice
- rozemary olive oil
- ???
- ???

#fediverse #cake #reccomendation

We just added #forgejo and #sharkey integration to our list of tutorials, see:…
Integrations like this make it very easy to add #xmpp accounts to existing services and #fediverse instances.

So jetzt mal ehrlich ihr #Fedinauten da draußen, die ihr #Misskey, #Sharkey oder #Iceshrimp nutzt! Wieso nutzt ihr das, was ihr nutzt und was findet ihr besser im Vergleich zu den anderen beiden Fedi-Möglichkeiten?

Bin auf der Suche nach einer weiteren Fedi-Software, die ich mir genauer anschauen möchte und muss mich zwischen den dreien entscheiden.

Gerne darf dieser Beitrag zur Entscheidungsfindung geteilt werden. 😜
#Fediverse #NichtNurMastodon

A very long shot once again on the #Fediverse and #Mastodon but I keep trying because I desperately wish that one day it'll give me better answers to niche questions than Tiktok and Google.

Calling all #Sudanese. What's your recipe for fit-fit? I received a container of it, made by a bunch of dudes from #Sudan (They know my cousin, I swear they're not just randos), and I refuse to believe that they have the best recipe. Google gives me Ethiopian recipes, which are vastly different from what I had tonight. I found one recipe that I don't really trust.

So, do you eat it raw?
Do you include lungs and livers? What about kidneys?
How much peanut butter do you add?

There's an underwhelming number of sources for sudanese recipes online, I guess for very understandable reasons, but dang, I have a feeling those guys can't really cook and I must know how their elders made it.

I also don*t understand, why one not to do so on the #FediVerse...

Díky @gandalf a @xChaos za hostování letošního srazu uživatelů #Fediverse. A všem, kteří dorazili, za pěkný večer. Bylo to opět super! #mastopivo

OK, es ist (fast) Wochenende und wieder Zeit für ein Experiment – diesmal zum Mitmachen 😉:
Welcher der beiden nachfolgenden Posts sieht für euch besser aus und auf welchen würdet ihr eher klicken.

Gerne schön weit teilen, damit das von vielen und mit den unterschiedlichsten Clients gesehen wird.

Wenn der Unterschied besonders groß ist, gerne auch mit Screenshots antworten. Danke!

#Mastodon #SocialMedia #Fediverse #Apps

  • Post 1 (mit generierter Preview) (75%, 57 votes)
  • Post 2 (mit Titelbild als Anhang) (25%, 19 votes)
76 voters. Poll end: 4 days ago

There better be a way to tell Mastodon I never want to be notified of quotes. How hard is this for others to understand? I don’t want to be notified if anybody quotes me, at all! To me, quotes are seen as a passive aggressive form of interaction and if you can’t message me directly/mention me directly, I simply just don’t want to interact with you if you’re going to quote me.

With the 4.3 release complete, we’re turning our focus to 4.4, which will include:

Quote Posts: We are resuming work on this long-awaited feature, and it will be our main focus for the rest of the year.
Block list improvements: We are evaluating several improvements, including subscribing to external blocklists and offering an optional default “worst of the worst” blocklist for new Mastodon installs. We’re also exploring ways for operators to approve blocks from external lists.
Post Parsing: We’re experimenting with potentially changing to a new parser for posts, which will be more modular and enable features like basic text formatting.

From Mastodon’s latest post. #Fediverse #Mastodon

My mum wants to join the #Fediverse - as she's fed up with adverts in other social media - and I have no idea what server would be best for her.

She's in her seventies, likes gardening, outdoors, cats and dogs, travel, books..

Any suggestions?

#askFedi #askMastodon

HUGE thanks to @robb for writing a clear, easy-to-follow #guide on how to enable #Fediverse author attribution on blogs/websites - so that it will show up under the link card:…

#blog #journalism #mastodonupdate #webdev

Looks like, an open-software version of by the GNU Project, is being reworked to support ActivityPub!

#LibreFM #LastFM #Fediverse #SocialWeb #IndieWeb #ActivityPub #GNU #GNUProject #Music #FediMusic

A small compendium of the Fediverse platforms I use/know well.

In the past few days, I revisited some of my old Fediverse instances since some friends asked me to help them set up a new one. I also took the chance to perform maintenance on some leftover instances. Here's my experience:

Akkoma: My oldest instance still running, opened in 2022. It was offline for a few months (3/4). I updated everything to the latest version and restarted it. I’m not sure why, but it’s extremely slow, with a heavy load on Postgres and many queries just to open the main page. I like Akkoma - I'll investigate further.

GoToSocial: I updated a friend's instance - GoToSocial itself was up-to-date, but the underlying system wasn’t. I noticed that once it exceeds 2000 followings, it becomes a bit slow. The database is PostgreSQL, but that's not the issue. The GoToSocial process becomes somewhat heavy on the VPS. Still, it's very usable and a software with great potential, in my opinion. The Mastodon API is implemented quite well and works with the major software.

Mitra: It seems well-built. The person had around 1000 followers and followings on a Mastodon account, which they moved from a large instance. No speed issues, though sending a message makes the server “heavy” for a bit, but it’s temporary. The Mastodon API is partially implemented, but the software is advancing quickly, and I find its native interface quite pleasant.

Snac2: I've always had a soft spot for Snac2. The lack of a database and some design choices make it an excellent solution for small instances. For example, sending posts to all known instances increases visibility and interaction. Its basic, JavaScript-free interface is very clear, though it might not be the best for those used to Mastodon. But the Mastodon API is improving version by version, and I think the developer is doing an excellent job. It struggles a bit with larger numbers, but that's due to the underlying file system, not the software itself. If "move" support (both in and out) were added, I would recommend it to anyone starting self-hosting for single-user or small community instances because "move" is one of the options that gives the most freedom in Fediverse software.

Mastodon: My “old” personal instance was stuck at version 4.1.x and had been offline for a few months. I updated the FreeBSD Jail and upgraded Mastodon to 4.2.12 and then to 4.3.0-beta1. No issues. I also helped a friend (who had an old Pleroma-based instance they barely used) migrate. This user has around 5000 followers and followings - Mastodon is running on FreeBSD on a VPS (arm64) for just over 3 euros a month, with no significant issues (apart from media storage, but that's not Mastodon’s fault). Mastodon is sometimes said to be heavy, and that's partly true, but its modularity ensures that even in cases of overload, queues may slow down, but navigation and the local timeline remain reasonably fast. I think this is a good thing for any larger-scale use of an instance.

In short, I think things are moving in the right direction, and the software is evolving nicely. Well done, devs!

#Fediverse #Akkoma #GoToSocial #Mitra #Snac2 #Snac #Mastodon #SelfHosting #InstanceManagement #FreeBSD #OpenSource

Krásné nedělní #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse
Ani kolo jsem nestíhal tento víkend. Ve čtvrtek jsem jel pro příbuzné z Německa a vozil je po příbuzných v Sokolově. Dnes je vezu do Marktrewidtz na vlak. Odpoledne zkusím ještě jednou vyrazit na houby.

I'm just going to say it. Whoever designed the new notifications layout and design for Mastodon needs to go back to the drawing board (and UI design school). In some cases, esp if you start off with a tag, it looks and works horribly. (desktop view). Way worse than the old way just a month or two ago.

#mastodon #fediverse #design #uidesign

Frage: Warum braucht Friendica so viel länger einen Account über den Slug als über die Account URL zu suchen?

Wenn ich in Friendica einen Fediverse Account z. B. über suche ist er fast sofort da. Suche ich ihn aber über den Slug dann dauert es bisweilen ewig oder er findet gar nichts, selbst dann wenn der Account in meinen Kontakten ist. Wenn das mit der Suche nach dem Slug so schwierig ist, wäre es doch einfacher ihn vor der Suche intern in die entsprechende URL umzuwandeln damit es flott geht. Oder?

#Friendica #Suche #Fediverse #Accounts #Geschwindigkeit #2024-10-05 !Friendica Support

If you're reading this, please #boost so I can get back to being federated with the #fediverse. Unfortunately, the data center I've been hosting with for years and years encountered some serious issues. I had to move suddenly, losing almost everything. I took the chance to change the software I use. But I've still lost all of my followers, all of my federation, etc! It's also taken down, my passion project to get more #blind folks off #reddit. I'll be bringing that back over the coming days. In the meantime, hi! I'm a blind guy who uses the #NVDA#screenreader, loves #accessibility and works in the field, and reads tons of #fanfic, #litrpg, and #sciencefiction and #fantasy in my spare time. Nice to meet you!

🥳 Exciting news! @loops, the #Fediverse's answer to TikTok, receives a grant from @nlnet! 🎉

Get ready for a new era of personalized short-form videos, remixes, and community interaction - all with the freedom and privacy of #ActivityPub!

Krásné pondělní #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse 👋
Jako nechce se, ale máme ve čtvrtek státní svátek, tak ty tři dny už nějak vydržím 🤗

Tiny Mastodon Tip About Boosts :mastodon: :boost_ok:!

First, yes! You should absolutely boost the posts that you like on Mastodon! :neocat_heart:

Boosting (reposting) is a very important feature on Mastodon! Because there are no algorithm to push content in your timeline, it is what others post and repost that you see chronologically.

Boosting keeps Mastodon alive!
Do it! Boost it! :boost_ok: :blobcatrainbow:

That being said,
if you personally get annoyed by someone else's boosts, know that you have options:

1. Everyone should enable the "Group boosts in timelines" option. You can find it from the browser interface in "Preferences" > "Other" at the very top. This will hide new boosts for posts that have been recently boosted :ablobslurp:

2. You can hide all of someone's boosts without hiding their original posts. Go to the person's profile, select the 3-dot "Menu" button (in the browser interface, this will vary per mobile app), and select "Hide boosts from [handle]" :blobcatthinksmart:

3. You can mute someone's posts temporarily (boosts and originals). On the same "Menu", select "Mute [handle]" then "Show options." You can select between 24 hours, 7 days, or 30 days 🤐

4. Know also that you are more likely to notice someone boosting a post repeatedly if you follow few people. Because there are no algorithm here, it is also a good idea to follow more people. Especially if you find your timeline too quiet :acongablob:

5. Don't forget to boost the posts that you like! :awesome:

#TinyMastodonTip #Mastodon #Fediverse

So... Has anyone on here actually talked with the people from the #SocialWebFoundation?

I can tell the #Mastodon Organization has, but #Threads is also listed there, while I don't see any other names that aren't some corporate entity. I'm all for groups that want to expand the #Fediverse, even for-profit ones, but it's a red flag when an organization that purports to be for a general movement doesn't have an open line of communication with rank-and-file server-runners and volunteers...

I just realized that it was founded by @evan who is actually very active in mainstream Fedi, and one of the maintainers of the actual protocol. While that doesn't elaborate on actual intentions, it is good to know that at least it's someone who is directly involved, and not some random corporation. #EvanProdromou

I read that the official Mastodon instance of the Swiss government will be closing down.

They say there are few active users, low engagement, and minimal interaction, which seems quite plausible. Additionally, they claim that "on platforms like X or Instagram, the Federal Council and the Federal Administration have many more followers." I believe that too, of course.

However, I do not agree with their decision. I think a government shouldn’t be overly concerned about follower counts and interactions, but rather about providing free, autonomous communication that is independent of third-party companies. In my view, a government shouldn’t operate like a business focused on "numbers."

Still, I appreciate their experiment - many governments, like the Italian one, haven’t even tried.

Regarding costs and management effort: an instance with 5 users and 3,500 followers (numbers provided by them) can run on a VPS for €3 a month and doesn't require heavy moderation. The cost for them is nearly zero. Yet, the freedom of information and discussion, especially for a Neutral Country, should always be a priority.

I believe that maintaining control over one’s information channels is crucial, especially in today's world. But, I fear that decision-makers only consider the numbers, which often favor the flashiest - but worse - solutions.

Encouraging citizens to use closed platforms is, in my opinion, a wrong choice.

Thanks to the Swiss government for at least giving it a shot.…

#Mastodon #FreedomOfSpeech #Switzerland #Fediverse #SocialNetworks

Krásné nedělní #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse . Já teda nevím jak vy, ale já ten volební debakl, jdu vyťapat na kolo. :ablobwavereverse:

finally figured out why @mozilla's rejection of the #fediverse is bothering me so much: i had no idea was open to the public. i thought it was only for their employees.…

so am even angrier because this "experiment" was bullshit.

if i, one of the most eager early adopters of tech on the planet didn't get that was open to everyone, then it's their fault millions didn't flock to the platform.

#Fediverse #OpenSocialWeb #Mastodon #Canada #CanPoli
This morning I got a response Letter (by email) from the Speakers Office of the House of Commons of Canada in response to the Open Letter* so many of you all signed back in June!

Here is Speaker Fergus’ letter in full. Reply with what you think we should do next to encourage MPs and Parliamentarians to ask for this!
Dear Mr. Alemany:

Thank you for your letter and proposal concerning Open Social Web.

Many Members, their staff, members of the Press Gallery and Canadians use social networks as a primary tool for consuming news, sharing stories of interest or to comment on news or information. The House of Commons established a presence on social networks in 2017, with a consistent branding, to share information and, critically, to provide Members increased and mobile access to relevant parliamentary information so that they may share this information with their social media followers.

Although the creation of an Open Social Web would present a promising opportunity with several advantages for the House of Commons, as enumerated in your letter, it also brings numerous challenges and risks to the organization (e. g. extensive engagement from many stakeholders, adoption of specialized and secure infrastructure and the need for content moderation and curation).

To date, we have had no requests for this type of service from Members. This would be a substantial undertaking that would require direction and approval from the Board of Internal Economy (BOIE) before being considered for prioritization and implementation. Even if mandated to offer such a service, we would be unable to ensure its adoption and widespread use among parliamentarians.

Thank you for your interest, and please be assured of our continuous support for more open, secure, engaging and informative multi-channel experiences for our users.

Hon. Greg-Fergus, P.C., M.P

*Open Letter:…
cc: @Paulatics

Fediverse Idea Proposition :mastodon: :rainbowdance:

What if we started posting about
things (news, comments, ideas, projects) that make us hopeful for the future using the #Hope ?

Hope for the future of tech, the future of digital rights, the future of the internet, the future of the world, etc.

What would you post under this hashtag today? Reply below using the hashtag :blobcatheart:

*no sarcasm allowed 🙅‍♀️

#Fediverse #Mastodon


Hagan la magia de #mastodon como se decía en algunos lares y Compartan este post de arriba por favor .

#fsf #fediverse #p4g

Připomínáme, že druhý ročník srazu Mastodon a fediverse uživatelů se blíží! 🎉
📅 Datum: 11.10.2024
📍 Místo: Hospůdka Do Větru,
Těšíme se na vás všechny, ať už jste #fediverse nováček, nebo veterán! Přijďte si užít skvělou atmosféru, popovídat a poznat nové lidi.
Potvrďte prosím svoji účast, ať víme přibližně, kolik nás dorazí. Zatím účast potvrdilo 18 účastníků. @mastopivo
#mastopivo #boost…

#Inklusion ist #Thema meines Gespräches mit Gabriela Hund von der
#Seelsorge mit seh-beinträchtigten Menschen der Ev. #Kirche in Hessen und Nassau.

Demnächst in der #Blindenhörzeitschrift "Das ABC-Journal" und im #Podcast des
... übrigens, würde sich bestimmt über eine ordentliche Begrüßung im #FediVerse und ein paar #Follower:Innen freuen ;-)

#blind #Sehbehinderung #Selbsthilfe #Behinderung #FediKirche

#writefreely is connected to the #FediVerse, but it seems, for now only in one direction?

I can follow writefreely blogs and have the posts in the FediVerse timeline. But comments from the FediVerse are not shown on the writefreeely blog website.

Are there plans to implement it, ?

I found the account of
Are there other accounts from democratic politics in the #USA on the #FediVerse?

Beyond Expectations ✨

That's what I strive for.

Like building a feature for the @pixelfed app to help people remember what server they joined.…

Or building a Discovery Service that allows app users to explore content, even on a brand new Pixelfed instance!…

Or even building the first #fediverse People Directory

I make it look easy, but y'all make it worth it ❤️


Krásné páteční #dobréRáno přátelé #fediverse Asi budu muset rychle vyrazit na kole, zatím u nás neprší.

Racism in the Fediverse: Eris of Disqordia…

I wanted to put my thoughts on Eris and racism on fediverse in video form so here it is.

I want this wide. Boost boost boost. I want this on every fediverse instance's timeline.

#fediblock #racism #fediverse

Kann mir jemand eine #Instanz möglichst mit Schwerpunkt Deutsch zum Thema #Musik empfehlen, als Einstieg für einen #Fediverse Anfänger.