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These #InternationalStudents Wanted #Citizenship. #Canada Killed That Dream.

As Canada tries to staunch an overflow of temporary #immigration, tens of thousands of international students and recent grads may be forced to leave the country. Here are their stories.…


in reply to Ms. Que Banh

"For example, I’m developing a device for newborn care that monitors infants’ body temperature, skin colour, eye colour, weight and heart rate, among other factors, to track their health, particularly during those critical first few weeks of life. It could save lives. Think of how many other students have ideas and skills we can’t even imagine yet.

That’s why it’s so disheartening to hear some Canadians talk about international students like we’re parasites. I pay about $12,000 per semester in tuition—far more than Quebec residents do. I have a campus job as a kitchen supervisor to cover my expenses, and I live in a small two-bedroom apartment with a roommate. People like me are not responsible for Canada’s problems. But we can help solve them, contributing to the country’s cultural diversity, its economy, its innovation and its growth. And by bridging gaps between nations, we help build a more inclusive society for everyone."

#CDNpoli #InternationalStudents #BaitAndSwitch #PostSecondaryEducation