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Are you interested in working on GNOME, writing Rust apps, or working with Fonts? If so, you may be interested in taking a look at :)

This port may take a while, and I greatly appreciate any help available. I've laid out a list of tasks to be done before merging, and if anyone wants to take something on let me know and we can work together.

If you want to help with the effort, please join on Matrix :) (

(boosts appreciated)

#GNOME #Rust #Fonts #gtk-rs #gtk4 #libadwaita

This entry was edited (9 months ago)

reshared this

in reply to FineFindus

"Fonts should be loaded on another thread" is probably the most isolated task. Another set of eyes reviewing what's there so far would be greatly appreciated :)
This entry was edited (9 months ago)
in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

Sure, I will take a look tomorrow / later (it's 1am for me, so I should probably get some sleep).
Not sure if my review well help much, I'm overall still quite be to writting GTK code, but I'll do my best :)
in reply to FineFindus

@FineFindus All reviews help :) Even if they don't directly help me, I may be able to help you learn (which will help me in the future :ms_imp_devious:​)
Unknown parent

Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

@bilelmoussaoui A few reasons:

  • Lettercase has not been updated in over a year. Most of the code uses old gtk-rs patterns.
  • Lettercase is nowhere near finished, and the scope is much larger. A fully realized Lettercase needs Google Fonts, custom layout code, Pango APIs that aren't stable yet, etc.
  • Some of those scope changes would be contentious. Talking around I found that people are wary of relying on Google Fonts as a font source.
  • I am tired of maintaining C Fonts. I want something more maintable without having to take on all the stuff that entails finishing Lettercase. Neither of us has the time for that, but I do have the time to maintain a better Fonts.
in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

I think a Matrix channel is in question, I don't see one anywhere and it would be nice to be able to efficiently communicate the development of this.

I also shot you a Matrix DM.

in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

@bilelmoussaoui We'd also need to greatly rework the UI - things like using GTK's View widgets and the new adaptive libadwaita widgets.

Then there's all of the API breakages to fix from newer gtk-rs versions.

in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

would be very interested in contributing, any recommended first issue?
Well versed with rust, but neither with open source contributing tbh
in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

I might look it over later. I've done a fair amount with gtk-rs in personal projects and wouldn't mind getting more involved with Gnome.
in reply to Chris 🌱 :verified_purple:

Fantastic stuff, I'm excited to hear about this work 🙌 as a UX designer who's recently migrated to GNOME from Mac, giving the native font manager some love and attention would be a huge win for designers who move to GNOME. Thanks for your contributions!