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Items tagged with: gnome

Whenever #Blender makes a new release, reading the release notes is like opening a Christmas present as a kid. Watching BlenderHeads relaxes me and warms my heart.

Whenever #GNOME makes a new release/twig, I get inspired and motivated that someday I could be good enough to contribute to it or it's ecosystem regularly.

These two #FOSS projects fill me with genuine excitement regularly and I couldn't be more grateful.

A warm thank you to everyone that spent time on these awesome projects ​:blobcatheart:

“Just because we don’t consider lack of accessibility to be a blocker doesn’t mean we’re ableist.”

– Open Source folks in my mentions.

#openSource #linux #accessibility #a11y #ableism #fedora #gnome #redHat #IBM #wayland

Dear #Linux friends,

I'm working on my #GUADEC talk and I have a note (I think from talking to @cassidy ) about:

"A new approach to systray by #Gnome"

But I'm having a hard time finding much (other than it is a very old and rather contentious topic) *Is* there a new version of systray and has anything been written up about it?

Have an exciting Linux app or insight? We want to hear from you! Submit your talk proposal for #LAS2024 today! The call for participation is open:
#LinuxAppSummit #CFP #GNOME #KDE

Really glad we finally get DRM lease (thus VR) on gnome wayland…

#floss #gnome #wayland

Popular opinion seems to be that #GNOME and #KDE are "fighting/competing."

Sure we have our differences in philosophies and design, but it's way more akin to siblings having small spats. But in the end we are siblings in #FOSS family and I like GNOME folks a lot. And if anyone attacks my siblings, I'm there to defend them.

We can and we should work together as much as possible, not just GNOME or KDE but all other DE's too like #Budgie and #XFCE to be the best computing experience possible.

It's not perfect and it's never gonna be because perfection is unattainable, but perfect is also enemy of good.

Let's keep doing our best. Together.


Edit: happy pride! And trans rights are human rights.

For eight years Fedora has been shipping GNOME with a broken screen reader!


(Wayland has been default on Fedora for eight years – since Fedora 25, released in 2016.)

And a hundred-billion-dollar corporation like IBM ships operating systems today based on it with a broken screen reader.

What is an ableist culture? One in which the people who call this out get ostracised.

#ableism #fedora #redHat #IBM #gnome #cosmic #wayland #a11y #system76 #linux…

Awesome presentation about enhancing Linux accessibility by Lukáš Tyrychtr (@tyrylu) and Vojtěch Polášek! I found the screencast in the presentation to be especially insightful.……

#a11y #Accessibility #ScreenReader #Linux #DevConf_CZ #GNOME

After upgrading to systemd 256, I am unable to log into an X11 GNOME session, but I can log into a Wayland GNOME session. I remain hopeful that GNOME Accessibility will complete its Wayland transition within a reasonable time, so we won't have to fall back to X11 sessions to avoid accessibility bugs.
#GNOME #Linux #Wayland #X11 #accessibility

TypeScript progress in Workbench 👀

• Inline type checks
• Auto completion

By GSoC student @vixalientoots 👏

#GNOME #GSoC #GTK #TypeScript

One more demo of GTK autocomplete in Workbench

I'm very happy so far with the experience, checkout the video.

I love that the same feature can be used to discover widgets, properties and write UI faster.

There are still many improvements to be made, but I think it's close to a first release.

You can try it yourself in Workbench nightly

Feedback very welcome

Credits to @flyingpimonster for making this possible!


Awesome update and progress by GNOME GSoC student @atbrat on porting Workbench demos to Vala…

Vala took the lead over Python 😉

Thanks to @lw64 and @dimmednerd for reviewing

#GNOME #GSoC #Vala #GTK #pygobject

What should I talk about at GUADEC Berlin?


  • GNOME STF (60%, 70 votes)
  • Workbench (22%, 26 votes)
  • Blueprint (42%, 49 votes)
115 voters. Poll end: 1 day ago

Exhibit is an amazing 3d preview app. Really handy for those working with 3D printing.…

#gnome #app

Seems like there is some interest in having a local #GNOME meetup in #Oslo 🇳🇴, where I live. Not a hackfest or anything Berlin-level (yet), just an informal meeting in an easily accessible place, for both contributors and anyone else who is interested and happens to live nearby.

Does anybody here have any previous experience with this? What is it like? What is there to talk about? What kinds of venues are best suited? Any other useful pieces of advice? I could go on and on… 😂

As a user, I remember the era between 2015 and 2020 where GNOME Shell's video screen recorder was *literally unusable* because the VP9 encoder could never keep up and would lock up your computer by filling up the RAM within a minute. I'm not making things up; this commit proves it:…

So, *very much* a technical limitation.

I would have appreciated if you had simply asked politely to begin with, & assumed good faith, rather than immediately publicly smearing #GNOME

Hi Jeff, thanks for taking the time to reply and for providing background but I hope you realise this is exactly why I stopped filing bugs for issues like this on #GNOME projects. It makes perfect sense for a tool made for the GNOME team to be for “quick partial recordings to attach to bug reports” where quality doesn’t matter. For anyone else who uses a screen recorder, quality is what matters. But were I to report it, my issue would be closed with this justification.

FFS, GNOME! Just wasted a day of editing video because the built-in screen recorder records screencasts at such a low quality that I ended up with keyframe artefacts / ghosting in my captures.

Bloody hell…

And is there any way to set the quality? Is there ever!

[Edit] Use OBS. (Thanks everyone in the replies.)

(Don’t use GNOME’s built-in screen recorder if you’re posting HD+ videos.)

#gnome #video #screenRecorder #quality #linux #foss

Become a sponsor for Linux App Summit 2024! Partner with us to support the open source community and gain valuable exposure. Learn more about sponsorship opportunities:

#LAS2024 #GNOME #KDE #OpenSource

I just made my first ever merge request to GNOME Nautilus, and it got accepted! 🥳🎉
Huge thanks to the GNOME community for their support and guidance. Looking forward to contributing more!

#gnome #OpenSource #nautilus

Gradience, the popular theming app with over 1.3k stars on GitHub, is looking for a maintainer!

If you are familiar with Python and GTK4/libadwaita and are interested in becoming a Gradience maintainer or contributing to the project, please chip in on Matrix or Discord!

The current maintainer has been inactive for quite some time. In February, after half a year of inactivity, they announced that they were working on Gradience again, but no progress has been made since then.

#GNOME #GTK4 #libadwaita #gradience #BoostsAreAppreciated

Web Apps lets you install websites as desktop apps, to be displayed in their own window. You can set a custom name or icon and choose which browser features will be enabled. Pick if you want to show loading bars or enable JavaScript, then have your new web app added to your desktop applications list. Use the net in a whole new way with Web Apps!

You can follow the app's creator here: @eyekay

You can get the app on Flathub here:…

#gnome #apps #flatpak

The deadline for #GUADEC2024 BoF and Workshop submissions is 2 days away!

If you would like to host an in-person or remote session during this year's conference, make sure to submit your proposal by June 15:…

#GNOME #GUADEC #opensource

Excited for #LAS2024 in Monterrey, Mexico? Get all your travel info, including visas, transport, and hotels, right here:

#LinuxAppSummit #KDE #GNOME #opensource

Calling all GNOME Foundation members: Today is your last day to vote in the Foundation Board election! Check your email for voting instructions and make sure to submit your choices by 23:59 UTC.…

#GNOME #opensource

First part of the Nautilus file chooser implementation by @antoniof was merged!!!…

#GNOME #GTK #Nautilus #GNOMEFiles #libadwaita

Our next GNOME Social Hour happens today in about half an hour (17:30 UTC). Join us and connect with fellow #GNOME contributors and enthusiasts! Meeting link:

Made good progress this weekend on #IconBear , my upcoming open-source icon manager for Linux.

* Install pre-packaged icon sets to quickly start building your library.
* Icons are automatically categorised as "Outline", "Filled", "Duotone" or "Color" when you import them.
* Icons are loaded asynchronously, for improved performance.

Once work on importing, deleting and filtering sets is finished, I'll be looking to release the app 🙌

#GTK #GNOME #UIDesign #Design

took Keypunch for a spin. accidentally set a new typing speed record for myself in the process


It's nice seeing the work on accent colors progress after having a short meeting, it really goes to show that getting together and ironing out some issues is very worthwhile. 🐈‍⬛