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I've created a small, incomplete, list of instances with moderators of color.

The list and suggestions became to much to keep up on my own, so here is a Google document,

Here's how to move accounts and take your followers with you

#BlackMastodon #BlackTwitter #BlackFedi #FediTips #TwitterMigration #MastoAdmin
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

I found that scholar. social has a scary number of CW demands. To the point where I would expect it to become problematic.
in reply to Robert Kingett updates is one I've run across and seems to be a good instance from the people I've interacted with there.
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

Just wanted to flag this post for @BlackAzizAnansi, who's been scouting out this place for his followers in the Black community.

Others servers in the @'s as well.

Notable: if people don't want to move, know that they can check out these servers and they might just find good follows there, too. Just search the server name and check out the profiles that pop up.
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

just replying to say that i am LOVING watching this community get built (or at least built up) in real time.
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

although once should also note that the instance block list and the speed with which admins are able to react to racist trolling is worth a look too.

Look at the instances that had to be blocked for racism by chaossocial:

I would definitely take a look at this too when deciding if I call a server/instance as a good home for a POC.

Like imagine Kanye making own server suddenly... is this a POC instance then? POC with a confederate hat...?
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

curious, and apologies for my ignorance if that’s the case. Why does it matter what colour the moderators are?
in reply to Tom

@dosboi because experience has shown time and again that even the most well-intentioned white moderators don’t have the depth of experience to fully understand and therefore properly moderate certain kinds of racist behavior, and often themselves unintentionally perpetuate it.

in reply to Zan

@shardsofblue @dosboi hello! I’m one of the mod/admins of and yeah this was an issue we ran into. We noticed that our mod staff was totally white and we felt like we were not doing a good job of handling issues around racism and anti-blackness in particular so we made a conscious effort to recruit POC and black moderators (including creating a Patreon to compensate said moderators). Deliberately increasing the diversity of our team was one of the best decisions we ever made and I would highly recommend it for any other instance.
@Zan @Tom
in reply to Robert Kingett updates is the one where a professor got yelled at to put an "I voted" sticker behind a CW.
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

I think this is a great idea and important endeavor and I want to support it.

I wanted to learn more about how these servers are being moderated and what kind of experiences users could expect if they join, so I looked up their lists of limited and suspended (aka blocked) servers.
in reply to Daphne

Here are the about or about/more pages of those above mentioned hosts which share their Moderated Servers list:

These hosts aren't currently sharing their Moderated Servers lists publicly:
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

it's worth noting that will be suspending federation with .social and .online in a few days, so people migrating there from twitter probably won't get the easiest to understand experience
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

Here's how to bulk import ALL of the people you follow on Twitter:

Debirdify -- provides a downloadable list of people that you follow on Twitter who indicated they have an account on Mastodon in a format that you can upload to Mastodon to repopulate your follow list

#twitter #TwitterMigration
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

I'm half-Chinese and was raised/identify as Hoklo Chinese, and I'm the admin for, if you'd like to add that.
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

the moderation team of the instance is listed at the bottom of their about page:
I know some of them are not white, and this part of their moderation document seems relevant as well: "We are aware of the broad conversations taking place around anti-Blackness and other forms of racism on the fediverse, and we take this seriously."
in reply to Blogfeedser 🐝☝️

@Blogfeedser @joenepraat @kiara At this moment we have not moderators of color (except a Latin person from Argentine, but I don't think that counts). Still, when we look for moderators we specifically ask for PoC, LGBTQIA+ and other marginalized persons (last time only LGBTQIA+ people responded). We will start searching for new moderators soon, so we will mention this preference again.
in reply to Blogfeedser 🐝☝️

@Blogfeedser No it can't at this moment I think. Still we are very welcoming to PoC and black people as you know and we really hope to have moderators from those communities soon.
@blindscribe @joenepraat @kiara
in reply to Admin 🤓 (mod)

@admin @joenepraat @kiara It would be nice if an updated, more completed, more wiki perhaps, version of @blindscribe’s list was hosted somewhere, containing all kinds of marginalized groups, to make it easier for newcomers to choose the right server for them.
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

I've had no issues or problems with See no particular reason to jump ship at this point. Searching #BlackMastodon works well enough where I am.
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

i am still learning this rss. IS It posible to change Rooms constantly? Maybe IS bothering to do that for the hosts...
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

are there listings of instances that aren't the ones Mastodon offers you upon joining? I don't know where to look!
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

I think it should be noted that many of these are specialized communities that block other instances quite aggressively. Many of them already block, some even block
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

Make #BlackFedi a bigger thing and I'll celebrate. Admins can try to be allies all they want but it will not be the same as a space organized by the community itself. The #Fediverse is not immune to minority abuse (far from it), it only gives us instance admins as another line of defense against trolls and we definitely should be on instances we trust in that regard.
Unknown parent

Collector Of Dreams
but why do you move? What is the point in changing?
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

waits second. You are making lists of people based on race, ethnicity or country of origin? And those lists are public?

This is an idea with horrifying unintended (I hope unintended) consequences.

There is a historical example of such list making in the middle of the last century. They made lists for bad purpose.

Do you have anything in place to prevent misuse?
Unknown parent

David August
I see.
Unknown parent

Dr Shubhangi Karmakar
@ritawild hi both!!! ❤️❤️
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

I don’t like labels, just people. As an introvert not all the time.
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

moving doesn't necessarily help. How do we get the larger instances ~ being one of the largest instances across the fediverse ~ to fix their moderation shortfalls? Dozens of people migrating won't matter & defederating 300K+ people is suicide.
This is a prompt to a discussion we need to have, at a minimum leading to a federated code of ethics to stay in the system.
Unknown parent

more back, brown, and queer people definitely need to moderate there, and doubly more transparency.

But consider most new people are going to land on There simple aren't tools to find the right instance ~ I did until I found one that suits me. All of those people that might move will go to instances that still federate.

We need to fix the problems, not bury the problems
Unknown parent

lol Thanks.
Unknown parent

Karen Wyld
already a few dudes not happy with a staunch Aboriginal woman in a position of perceived power. One has already reported me for posting about why I chose to volunteer. Bring it! 💃🏽
in reply to Robert Kingett updates

how do you find the way to get onto the instance? If you put it into the app it doesn’t take you ti where your can get on. & site says you have to be invited you can’t join. I contacted the Ai bot but no response. I’ve tried to find how to research the other instances but they don’t have sites. It’s very mysterious fir a new user to figure this out. It’s not simple at all.
Unknown parent

Piper Carter
ok I’m trying now
Unknown parent

Piper Carter
so right now I’ve requested my archive so it’s complaining. That’s taking time. I’ll check back.
Unknown parent

Piper Carter
how do you DM folks on here? I don’t have that option.