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So, I know this is super early in the dev cycle, but like, I'm really glad I didn't buy a new Mac. Like I know sighted people love Macs, especially developers, but I could have the latest M3 Mac, and still VoiceOver would be pretty awful in the Terminal. That's just how VoiceOver has been for the last forever. I just don't get it. Like, blind people obviously can be developers too, and developers on Mac probably need a smoothe Terminal experience too. So, how is it that VoiceOver just keeps interupting itself? Meh. I'm not gonna even get into Safari, oh yeah I should try Google Docs and Salesforce again. Also, I wrote all thwith the new Braille Screen Input on iOS 18. Yes I had to restart VoiceOver, but BSI is surprisingly stable and nice! #wwdc #apple
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