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Is it possible with Enafore to get access to 2 instances at once? #Blind, #Enafore, #Mastodon
in reply to Nick's world

Depends what you mean by at once. You can shift instances with g i.
in reply to modulux

@modulux GI? What's GI? I just want to be able to get to my other instance while still being on Enafore.
in reply to Nick's world

g i is the command to move instances. If you're on Enfaore on the timeline you can press g, then i, to move instances.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo @modulux Does that work with NVDA? because it sees those 2 buttons as graphic and list item.
in reply to Nick's world

@modulux sure, you should be browsing in focus mode. up/down or j/k through posts. Enafore is a web-app, not a web page, so browse mode is the exception not the normal.
in reply to Nick's world

Sure, but you have to be on focus mode. Which is how you should be using Enafore and similar apps.
in reply to modulux

@modulux @cachondo Thanks for the information. I really should learn this stuff. I've only really used browse mode to get through inaccessible stuff with some websites.
in reply to Nick's world

It depends on application, but with Semaphore/Enafore and similar applications focus mode makes them so much easier to use, you can use up and down arrow to move along the timeline and so on. and quick commands like r for reply, b for boost, f for favourite, a to add to bookmarks, etc.