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I wonder if #blind and low-vision nerds like me are getting too comfortable in our nerdy social media bubble here on the fediverse. I blithely ignored tiktok from the beginning, and once a lot of us moved from Twitter to the fediverse en masse, I was proud to not be active on any of the corporate-owned social media platforms. But it now seems to me that we're missing out on some important discourse, particularly from other marginalized communities, by staying in our bubble.

Question for #blind folks: How accessible is #TikTok now, on any platform?

Dear web, namely the #blind community: what is your opinion on having music lessons online? Namely private lessons. I’d consider myself an intermediate keyboard and guitar player, want to improve my game

Is anyone aware of a talking watch that announces time in a rounded, less precise format than the standard hours and minutes? For example, "half past 2" when it's 2:28, "a quarter past 1" when it's 1:16, and so on? This is for someone with #dementia who's struggling to comprehend an analog watch face, or make the link between numbers on a digital display and the actual time. #accessibility #blind

📣 Do-It-Blind DIB online Besprechung am Montag, 22. Juli, um 19:00 Uhr. Du bist eingeladen!… Wöchentlich am Montag um 19:00 besprechen wir neue Formen der digitalen und inklusiven Zusammenarbeit. Mach mit! 🛠️ #make #blind #inklusion

Wow, in #nvda, you can now press NVDA+ctrl+escape to enable/disable screen curtain. #accessibility #blind

#Blind #Android folx, does anyone have any good recommendations for a good, #accessible email app for non-gmail accounts? Thanks.

Considering using DeepL to translate a couple of Japanese audio games (most notably the BK series and possibly Shadow Rine. Will the free API work for this, or would it be better to get the sub for Pro? Thanks! #Blind #Gaming #Gamers #Audiogames

An #Uber driver refused to transport me from the Cosmopolitan Hotel to the airport on my way home from the #DisabilityIn conference because I am blind! I have already reported the discrimination with Uber. I am also reporting the incident to the Las Vegas Police Department and I will also be contacting the NV Attorney General's Office. Does anyone have any other ideas on how I can call additional attention to this incidet so we reduce the likelihood of it's being repeated? #accessibility #blind

CQ Blind Hams is "the" source for #amateur radio content for #blind people in the English-speaking world. That's why I think it would be great if you could subscribe to the channel. They could monetize the thing with 1000 or more followers, which they then want to use to finance radio equipment for blind #Hams. I think it's a cool thing, I support it. Range boosts welcome.…

Okay, folks, how do y'all use TikTok with VoiceOver? Trying to figure it out but all I've discovered thus far has been (metaphorical) pain and suffering. Any assistance appreciated.

PS: is #accessibility given any sort of priority over there? If so, any leads on people to contact would be great.

#Blind #BlindMasto #BlindMastodon #BlindFedi @mastoblind @main

Loving this new #computer so far! It took a little setup and help from my mom, but now that it's set up, it's working great! It really flies with 32 gb #RAM. For now I've decided to keep #Windows11 on it because I'm applying to take an digital #accessibility analyst course where they seem to want you using either #Windows or a #Mac. I was also more productive with Windows in some ways because of #JAWS features like split Braille. I do miss the #commandLine though. Windows and Windows #screenReaders have so many keyboard shortcuts that I struggle to remember them, and I found the #commandLine a lot easier. Also, my mom panicked when I talked about putting #Linux on this computer. She said every time I've put Linux on a computer, it broke, and I didn't have an argument against that. She also pretty much said I'd be on my own if I put Linux on this one and it broke. I am thinking about dual booting if that can be done #accessibly or creating an #ArchLinux #virtualMachine.
It's about 1:30 AM here, and I have a procedure for injections in my head and neck to help with headaches and neck pain around noon, so I should really be getting to bed, but I find new #tech so hard to walk away from. Can anyone relate?
#accessibility #technology #blind

Looks like I am asking all kinds of questions. OH well, here goes. I'm on the hunt for resources, tops and tricks, and any information which folks might be willing to pass on regarding the use of Visual Studio Code with a #ScreenReader. Asking for a friend... for real. Any help greatly appreciated.

#Blind #BlindMasto #BlindMastodon #BlindFedi @mastoblind @main

(German) #SmartAIs Empowering #blind people outdoors with a digital assistant; app runs on iPhone, chest-mounted.

Calling All Blind and Low Vision Users!

Exciting news! I’ve reached out to Apple Accessibility, and they’re on board to collaborate with us. They’ve asked me to put together a team so we can work directly with their team and engineers.

Are you passionate about improving accessibility features for blind and low vision users? Do you use VoiceOver, Zoom, or other low vision features on your devices? We need your help!

We’re looking for individuals who are interested in providing feedback and testing new features from our point of view. Your input will be invaluable in making technology more accessible for everyone.

If you’re interested in participating, please fill out the form below:…

Let’s make a difference together!
Feel free to share this post.

Matthew Whitaker

#Accessibility #BlindUsers #LowVision #VoiceOver #Zoom #AppleAccessibility #TechForAll #Inclusion #AccessibilityMatters #blind #lowvision

So at work, we use Salesforce. The customized version we have uses Tabs across the page to change screens, a lot like an app. Right now, Orca can't navigate directly between those tabs.

So, last night, at around 5:26, I sent a message to the Orca mailing list about it. Today, at 4:12 AM, the Orca developer emailed back saying that she has pushed a new feature, where the tab group is treated as a list, and the tabs are list items. So, in Orca 47, or on the main branch, it works!

This is the kind of thing I mean when I say we just need to reach out and talk to these people. Yes, we'll get people that will tell us to do things ourselves. Yes, we'll get people that don't care. And yes, we'll get people that are actively ableist. But we'll also get people like the orca developer, who just needs to know what we need.

#foss #linux #accessibility #Orca #blind

📣 Do-It-Blind DIB online Besprechung am Montag, 15. Juli, um 19:00 Uhr. Du bist eingeladen!… Wöchentlich am Montag um 19:00 besprechen wir neue Formen der digitalen und inklusiven Zusammenarbeit. Mach mit! 🛠️ #make #blind #inklusion

But then she was alone, but now she is with two children in a foreign country. She is #blind, the children are also #blind. Please, help me to solve this. She is flying tomorrow, I am fighting with them for over a week with no result. I was again told to call on midday, but that'll be too late! I am desperate now. Please, help me. (3/3)

Wir testen eine verbesserte taktile Karte für das !@metalab #make #blind #inklusion

I like the #iPad much more than I thought even though I am #blind. Multitasking is sometimes better than on a Mac in certain scenairos.

Olyan boldog vagyok, hogy #Magyar #RHVoice tényleg fog sikerülni!
Még van néhány probléma, mert magyar nyelv tényleg nehéz; de már van pár hang forrás adatbázistől és már vannak emberek, akik akarnak felvenni több jó adatbázist az RHVoice szintetizátornak.

Sok éve csak nagyon mű #espeak volt, meg régi #profivox, meg olyan furcsa és rossz #Vocalizer Mariska.
És most majd tudunk adni az új jobb hangot a magyarnyelvű látássérült embereknek.

Igazából egy kicsit furcsa nekem, hogy mi nem vagyunk magyarok és készítjuk ezt a szintetizátort.
De a barátnőm magyar, és ő mindig segít nekünk ha nem értünk valamit vagy ha tényleg kell az információk a magyarnyelvű embertől.

Szóval, várjátok, magyarok és majd lesz publikusan az új magyar beszédszintetizátor.

#vakok #magyarul #blind

Okay, I think I fixed the link.

So, this is like, one of the first times I've done this, but I wanted to show a bit of installing Fedora Linux on my laptop. I'd already started the installation, but it shows most of it, and a bit of setup afterwards. I recorded this on my iPhone, so it won't sound the best. A few things I forgot to mention:

* You cannot buy IBM Viavoice (Eloquence) for Linux anymore, but it's of course still floating around.
* We also have DecTalk on Linux, obvious from the BTSpeak using it.
* You can also get Vocalizer voices.
* There's also Piper of course.…

#Linux #foss #Fedora #accessibility #blind

Hi there #blind #iPad users. How am I supposed to caribrate the bsi on iPad OS 18 beta? I have the iPad pro M4 model.

For those who don't know about it yet, here is a tool, called Audio Game Manager, that lets you play lots of Windows audio games on Linux. This might be useful to be put on the BT Speak, connected to a USB keyboard or Gamepad of course.…

#linux #foss #audioGames #blind #accessibility

So, I worked on a lot today. I got Ellama, LLM, Company-mode (I hope), and Nov-mode installed and set up. So, I can talk to AI, read EPub books (with formatting!) get autocomplete when writing (in a form a lot more like the Mac than Windows annoying bullcrap.) I still am amazed at how responsive Orca is. I feel like I'm flying around when using it. The closest I can come to that feeling on Windows is JAWS, when it's being good. Emacs and Emacspeak are that way for me too, but I've also had Emacs commands wired into me since I was like 15; I don't know why I'm so attached to that. Maybe it was my first look at Fss. Anyway, I'm gonna see tomorrow if I can back up my home directory to Dropbox or something, so when I install Fedora on my old laptop, I won't have to do things all over again.

Overall, so far, if you're techie and don't mind learning and breaking things and learning more, and aren't currently stressed out a lot, I'd definitely give Linux a try. Maybe start with Debian, and move up to Ubuntu, then Fedora. Read docs, all that. But it's definitely gotten better over the past year or so. And with Audiogame manager, which I forgot about, we can still play a lot of the games we have on Windows. Oh, and I've not had to pull out my Windows laptop all day.

#Linux #foss #accessibility #blind #Emacs #emacspeak #Mate #fedora

So um, I feel like installing Fedora, or um, no not Arch, no way, I'll brick it. Anyway, Fedora, on my older laptop. AMD 5500U with 32 GB RAM, 512 GB SSD. It's a little beat up, but it definitely still works. Just, some loose USB ports and the bottom part of the casing is kinda bent a little. What do y'all think? Could use is as a kind of home server, maybe?

#linux #foss #laptops #Fedora #blind

#Accessibility question - what's the best way to expose code-blocks to readers? There's a lot of information around visual contrast, but not much on how screen readers are used.

#blind #webdesign

I'm going to try to get back into programming. I know I'm smart enough. If I can use Emacs, figure out how to download a file using wget and can make packages, (I installed the latest Python on Debian by building it once) then surely I can program. I just have to remember to take my depression meds, 2 of them, 100 Milligrams, helps a lot! And I have to not compare myself to everyone else that's already programmed games, websites, apps, all that. #programming #coding #blind

Just one thing I love about convention, I can give people directions as a #blind person and they listen to me and assume my directions will be at least as good as those of sighted people. It’s also so easy to explore and make my own mental map when I’m not worried about people grabbing me. #nfb24

📣 Do-It-Blind DIB online Besprechung am Montag, 8. Juli, um 19:00 Uhr. Du bist eingeladen!… Wöchentlich am Montag um 19:00 besprechen wir neue Formen der digitalen und inklusiven Zusammenarbeit. Mach mit! 🛠️ #make #blind #inklusion

Giveaway!!! 1 BT Speak pro. Entry rules are simple. *1 entry per person. *Must send the correct entry word, nothing else by dm. *I will dm the winner to request shipping info. *The winner will be chosen randomly on July 14th, 2024. *If the winner does not respond by July 16th, 2024, another winner will be selected. If they, too, do not respond, no further attempts will be made. The entry word is 'BTSpeak', note capitalisation. Any questions just ask. Boosts okay. #giveAway #assistiveTechnology #blind #accessibility

For any enthusiasts of legacy assistive tech, it seems the first source code of the Talks Screen Reader for Nokia 9110 Communicator has been published by one of the original devs. Unbelievable to think that it all started off as a bunch of prerecorded messages supplemented by the ability to spell anything it doesn't have ready letter by letter and plugging in external synthesizers and Braille displays via the serial port:…
#Accessibility #Blind #RetroTech #ScreenReader

Jaws Discount. Like in past years, Freedom Scientific is offering a 20% discount for upgrading your SMA or Annual license during the time of the ACB and NFB conventions; July 3rd thru 12th. You can call and do it by phone, or do it online. You will just need one of these codes, ACB24 or NFB24. If doing it online, just know that the place you put in the code is on down the page past all of the charges. Here is the link to do it online...…. #Jaws #Discount #ACB #NFB #Convention #Blind

So, I ended up having to create a brand new container in #Crostini on the ChromeBook. I upgraded it to Debian 12.6, installed TDSR, but also installed too many Speech-dispatcher modules, and now it's using Festival as its TTS, and I don't feel like braving the config file to fix it back to Espeak-ng. Anyway, I got Emacs, Voxin, Emacspeak, tcl, tcl-dev, build-essential, tcl-dev, SOX, and libasound-dev installed, and Emacspeak, with Outloud, works! The only bad thing is that sound icons are sluggish. That may be an Emacspeak issue, or a Pipewire issue. Not sure yet. But it does work, and speech is very, very responsive! #Emacs #Emacspeak #blind #accessibility #FOSS #Linux #Debian

The image is a popular internet meme format known as the "Distracted Boyfriend" meme. It shows a man walking with his girlfriend but turning his head to look at another woman passing by. In this version of the meme:

- The man is labeled "MEDIA."
- The woman he is looking at is labeled "REFORM'S 4 MPs."
- The girlfriend, who looks annoyed, is labeled "THE GREENS' 4 MPs."

The meme humorously suggests that the media is more interested in the Reform Party's 4 MPs than in the Greens' 4 MPs. #Blind #AI 👩‍🦯😘…

#blind #AI

Dear #blind and #visually_impaired Fedi friends, I hope I can ask you all a question. I am a #writer researching a good publishing plan.

#Accessibility is essential, and I wonder what the modern preferred format for blind readers of self-published or indie novels is.

Additionally, what would your advice be on making #writing more accessible to people who are blind when self-publishing a novel?

Please boost for reach.

#disability #DisabilityPrideMonth #writingcommunity

  • Braille (5%, 1 vote)
  • Audiobook (44%, 8 votes)
  • Braille and audio-book (22%, 4 votes)
  • E-book with AI text to speech (27%, 5 votes)
18 voters. Poll end: 2 weeks ago

If you're #blind, American, and feeling patriotic, this year's Macy's 4th of July Spectacular will have live #AudioDescription from Descriptive Video Works. Available via secondary audio on NBC and Peacock. The show starts at 8 PM Eastern. Not usually a fireworks fan but might have to check this out. Anyone know if A Capital 4th on PBS will be described too? #Accessibility #AccessibleMedia

(YouTube) Lies and hallucinations for the blind? Revolutionary AI smart glasses: #Solos #AirGo #Vision with GPT-4o now unveiled!… #AI #AR #GPT4o

(AppleVis forum) Solos AirGo Vision: the future of smart glasses for blind and visually impaired users?… #blind #a11y

ok ok ok, we covered #jupyter last week. Our #datascience adventure continues with checking into the #accessibility of #google CoLab. Is it better than jupyter? Worse? Are there tools to make it better? How's a #blind person even do #ML and datascience anyway? Come see in just over 2 hours at and #python #programming #coLab #selfPromo