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I used to think that #emoji #reactions are for the illiterate.

Then I got addicted to them in Signal and Matrix.

Now I can't wait for #Jabber clients to implement them. Why is this #XEP still experimental after 5 years, @larma ?

#xmpp #xep444 #emojiReactions

in reply to Christian Pietsch ๐Ÿ‘

We (The XSF / People who write and implement XEPs) have a tendency to wait with advancing a XEP to stable until we have sufficient implementation experience.
Your question (which matters more for end users) should be: Why hasn't this been implemented?
Implementing reactions is not as straight as it might seem. Both #Conversations_im and #Gajim wanted to rewrite the database layer to accommodate this feature. On the Conversations side we also wanted to rework the UI before this.
in reply to Daniel Gultsch

Monal will get these too, as soon as we are done rewriting the chat ui (which we will start sometime this year)
in reply to Daniel Gultsch


Thank you for sharing your insights, and for your excellent XMPP app #conversations_IM!

Does anyone know about implementation plans for @dino?

/cc @larma
