Items tagged with: xmpp


Items tagged with: xmpp

Embrace, Extend, Extinguish. That's the predictable strategy all big corps will take: to use Open Standards as a ladder they can climb up, to popularity and profit. Then kick the ladder out from under them. Gullibility in this regard will only set back Open Standards for a very long time. #XMPP should have pretty much taken over the world by now, but was passed over time and again by the likes of Meta and Google/Alphabet, who usurped it, then betrayed it.

What the hell is wrong with #Jabber? The two most important console clients, #Poezio and #Profanity, both released version 0.15.0 today. Same version number, same day, same first letter "P". Do you want to confuse us all?

At least Poezio is written in #Python, Profanity in #C/#Clang, i.e. there are some differences. Otherwise it would be too much.

@mathieui @profanity


Today Movim just reached 10K commits 🎉, and this year we will celebrate the 15th anniversary of the project 🎂 🥳

The upcoming 0.30 will also be a huge milestone with plenty of exciting features, stay tuned ✨ #milestone #release #birthday #anniversary #xmpp #movim

It’s time for real interoperability. Let’s make it happen.

The #DMA targets walled gardens and messaging interoperability. Meta, the designated gatekeeper, offers an solution that falls short of its goals.

The XMPP Standards Foundation (@xmpp) publishes an Open Letter to Meta, to advocate for adoption of #XMPP for messaging interoperability.

The letter:…

Technical briefing:…

The corresponding blog post:…


Am I right, that none of them is fully #freeSoftware (#openSource), none of them is federated, and none has first class clients on other OSes than Google Android and Apple iOS?

There is an IETF standard for federated instant messenging, implemented by various servers and client applications since 1999. Why don't you promote that?


#Jabber #XMPP

do y'all know any good #xmpp providers?

Tient, Discord ajoute de la publicité vidéo en juin dans son client (oui prévisible, on l'avait prévu depuis 2015) …

Du coup, pour les personnes qui seraient intéressées de migrer vers autre chose pour vos famille, vos groupe de potes, vos asso, etc…
Ceci est le rappel sur : N'hésitez pas à venir me demander conseils à propos de XMPP.

Idem si vous avez besoin d'accompagnement, de mise en place, des questions, etc.

Vous pouvez me contacter ici, ou par mail, ou par XMPP.

Et le retoot est bienvenue !

#Discord #XMPP

Getting started with XMPP/Jabber and PGP for federated, encrypted messaging

This is a short thread where I explain how I started using the XMPP protocol and PGP encryption for secure messaging. I am not a security expert, but I am a mathematician and I am confortable with the Linux command line. This guide is for people who want to use PGP for secure messaging easily. You will need to be okay with typing commands into the Linux command line in order to do this, but I will tell you exactly what to enter.

Part 1: XMPP

Mastodon is like email, but for social media. You sign up for an account with a server, and then you can talk with any other accounts that are signed up on other servers, as long as your servers are getting along. (No one wants emails from the sketchy spam server, and we want to be able to choose between Yahoo, Gmail, etc.) XMPP (a.k.a. Jabber) is the same thing for text messaging.

Just like signing up for an email/Mastodon account, you need to sign up for an account. You can find a list of servers at and will probably at least need to provide an email addess when making an account.

Once you have made an account, you need a client. On Linux, I've been having a good time using Dino ( You can then enter your account name and password to log into your XMPP account and start chatting! There are both public rooms and you can also message directly with your friends.

#security #PGP #XMPP #FOSS #Jabber #Dino #MonoclesChat


la messagerie via XMPP est géniale ! Pas besoin d'un numéro de téléphone ou d'une adresse mail pour s'inscrire. J'ai installé Conversation sur la tablette familiale et créé un compte pour chacune de mes filles. Ainsi, elle peuvent me joindre en cas de besoin. Merci infiniment pour ce service !

In Monocles Chat is there a way to copy my #XMPP chat history to a new device? As in, for adding a secondary device that'll be using different OMEMO keys but will share existing chat history.

Can't find a way to do this on Conversations IM either.


#xmpp is there a tool to test, end to end, media streams quality (latency, loss, distortion after decoding) in a video call of two clients?
If not, would *you* be interested to sponsor development of such tool?

Hop, je viens de mettre à jour mon article d'installation de serveur #XMPP pour le passage à Prosody 13.0.0 :…

Ça consiste basiquement à retirer le module "posix" déprécié et renommer le module "server_contact_info" en "server_info".


Prosody 13.0.0 is here! Farewell Zero-ver!
This major release brings a number of exciting new features, including improved security, performance, and administration tools.
Check it out:…
#prosody #xmpp

A new version of #libstrophe has been released. libstrophe is a library for writing #XMPP clients.
You can find more information in the ChangeLog.

The web frontend redesign is underway! Chat functionality is almost ready, and completing it is a critical step towards a Libervia release. I’ll likely be making a video soon to show off the progress.

#Libervia #XMPP

My 10 yo nephew preferred Dino over Discord :) So, Dino it is!

He told me "It works super well! It is better than Discord!" "😍" "With Discord I had connection issues" (but I guess he was lost in the interface)

I am now tied to #xmpp, thanks @dino ;)


I'd rather they go for self-hosted #XMPP.


The web server is undergoing surprise server migration. This also affects but not the xmpp server - we hope to restore all services by tomorrow.



Si vous n'utilisez pas déjà #XMPP et que vous n'avez jamais testé (ou avez testé et êtes déçu pour une raison ou une autre), est-ce qu'un atelier en ligne (en audio avec partage d'écran) de découverte de XMPP vous intéresserait ?

Le retoot permet d'atteindre du monde !

  • Oui, j'aimerai y participer (70%, 38 votes)
  • Non, ça ne m'intéresse pas (29%, 16 votes)
54 voters. Poll end: 1 week ago


Sensitive content

Would like to #askfedi about the "Conversations Legacy" #conversations #conversations_im @daniel #xmpp client - this version used to be on GooglePlay before some time, but later has disappeared, and I seem to have missed any "official" comment in that regard.

Do I understand correctly that it is just not supported/updated anymore and people who have it (I know somebody) shall update to the mainstream for security reasons?

Would the update recognize the old data or one should proceed via backup and its restoration (if it is possible)? Thanks.

Maybe time for people and groups to start considering #Matrix for their current #Discord servers, as Discord becomes focused on getting money out of everyone who uses it, with likely enshitification beginning soon. #XMPP/#Jabber is also an alternative.

Both are decentralized, publicly owned services, where you can interact with anyone else regardless of which server they choose to be hosted on, just like Mastodon, et al.…

Is anyone using #xmpp ? I'm running a Jabber client but have no contacts still. Feel free to add me so we can chat and talk about random stuff. My JID is on my profile page:

Use the decentralized network called #XMPP and stop feeding them

Well Libervia on which I'm working does all of that (and even experimental remote desktop control).

I'm working on web frontend redesign, then stabilisation, and I should work on a release hopefully in a not too distant feature.

Movim also does A/V calls and screen sharing.

#Libervia #Movim #XMPP #work