I personally have mixed emotions about people who are only now waking up to the fact that on commercial social media we were never the customer we were the product. Seeing blog posts etc. from people discovering this after I've been talking about it for a few years now.

This is a tweet from 2021:

"It's typical the new media *have always* used subtle propaganda to hit emotionally. In the old days "It sold papers" nowadays it sells our information to advertisers. "

It was really obvious after reading Walter Lippmann, Jacques Ellull, Popper, John Dewey and Chomsky himself. The trick is going to be in proving Lippmann wrong.


#Philosophy #Propaganda #SocialMedia #Mastodon #TwitterMigration

in reply to Arkadiusz Świętnicki 🇨🇳 I HAVE MOVED

Nothing stops your instance's admin to sell it to a richman. Will you always be escaping to a place with good ideas? Even the most beautiful ideals fall under the weight of shadow of starvation, homelesness etc. I don-t want to offend you, that's what I genuinely think and hope I'm wrong.
in reply to Arkadiusz Świętnicki 🇨🇳 I HAVE MOVED

@Nuno as someone who is homeless, thousands in debt & goes at least one day a week without eating?

Thank goodness for libre/free open source software!

There are reasons I contribute to some codebases & avoid others. Life could be so much worse.
