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Yesterday I've promised starting to fill the gaps, so let's go: Today's #AndroidAppRain at brings you 9 updated and 3 added apps:

* OTG Keyboard: use Android as A BT Keyboard
* Tarifa luz: regulated electricity rate in Spain
* Units: a powerful unit-aware calculator

Webierta's To-Do Manager switched to a proper release signing key, so you have to uninstall before you can install the new release.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid & the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

ok DAS ist faszinierend gering und wirklich erstaunlich!

aber gleichzeitig sieht die App auch aus wie vor 15 Jahren 😆

in reply to Michael

@Michael1 Tja, keine drölfzig "coolen Frameworks" drin 😝 Das ist wohl noch echte Handarbeit (wie auch meine Websites 😉)
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

turns out when you don't have a ton of dependencies baked into your apk and rely on the system, you can do a lot!
in reply to Steve Pomeroy

@xxv Tell me! I vividly remember an "extreme" example of that. Someone wanted a simple notification icon. So they started developing it, following "best practices", and ended up with something around 1.3 MB.

That was a "WTF moment" for them they didn't want to accept. So they scrapped the whole thing and rewrote it from the scratch, without all those frameworks. Very same functionality. APK-Size: 35 *KILO*bytes.

All my stuff is created in a simple text editor, so I also know what's inside 😉

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

I do Android professionally, so I'm used to giant apps and complex build systems. So tiny, simple ones are refreshing
in reply to Steve Pomeroy

@xxv I still remember the days when we counted apps with 100+ kB as "huge monsters" 🙈 So yes, nowadays seeing an app < 500 kB is already refreshing, as you say. But one that goes to around 250 kB or below is a real highlight-of-the-day. And actively feeding my repo (having some crawlers to watch out for stuff) I get to see a lot of apps, so I can say these little beauties are rather rare.
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

OMG thank you! I've been meaning to update Units for years so I can run in on my phone and I haven't made the time. With your updates, now I have it again and life is good.

I'll reach out so we can get the updated version on Play (if you're cool with that) 💖