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#AndroidAppRain at with 7 updated and 1 added apps:

* Squawker: anonymous client for the birdsite got 2 more modules added as well (now serving 75 Magisk modules):

* MyDNS: set up your local DNS server
* Rotate suggest disabler: disabling the Android P+ rotate suggest feature

Enjoy your #free #android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

I wonder when the legal battles around third party frontends will start again, as far as I understand the public API is one of the main points in that debate and on Birdsite and Reddit that's no longer the case so I expect quite a bit of bs, especially from our angry little Elon.
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Hey Izzy, thanks for your work. I would really apreacheate your opinion. Do you have any recommendations for an app for magisk modules? I only know about AMM and mRepo.
Sorry if I overlooked something in your lists. Which one would you use or are you using?
Thank you (:
in reply to snoᴉɹǝsuǝzᴉʇᴉɔ ☑️

@citizenserious I'm using MRepo, which also supports my Magisk repo. Sanmer is steadily working on the app and the repo utils, so I hope this solution will last long and stay on track. And my repo only allows modules under FOSS licenses (though I close an eye on the one or other anti-feature which is then transparently pointed out in the list on my corresponding website: