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One trick to make your life much better as a maintainer and help contributors

Have a Makefile directive to run everything that runs on CI

`make x` is all it should take to verify the changes pass automated tests

Linter, formatter, sorter, unit tests, etc

If tooling is needed then add a `make setup` directive that takes care of installing it

#offlinefirst #ci #development #git #GitHub #GitLab #Codeberg #dx #FreeSoftware #FLOSS #developerExperience #developer

in reply to Jeffrey Bouter

Avoid multiple "fixup" commits to fix CI issues one after the other.


Reduce email notifications
Reduced "please rebase"
Less friction for contributors
Less wasted time

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Sonny

a modern alternative to `make`: ;)
in reply to Philn

no strong opinion as long as the project has a clear `do this to get started'

But make is everywhere 🤷

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Sonny

almost, iirc it's not in Silverblue ;)

Anyway yes, I understand your point :)

in reply to Sonny

yep, we have a "npm run test-all" script for this :-) totally agree this is a time-saver.
+ "npm run fix-all" for all the linter autofixable issues.
in reply to Julien W.

> Avoid multiple "fixup" commits to fix CI issues one after the other.

> Reduced "please rebase"

An other way to avoid that - just merge the PR as-is (event if the CI fails) - and then make a commit to fix things up

If you're a maintainer and your goal is to gain contributors, this is a much better technique IMHO

Chances are, you were the one who set up the CI, so you'll be much faster than a first-time contributor

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Dimitri Merejkowsky

Squash merge is the way to go if you're unhappy with the commits of a branch 👍

But fixing the CI isn't necessarily trivial.

I do resort to doing small fixes before merging contributions, specially for first time contributors.

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Sonny

yeah I did that on a project like two years ago and still, devs would push code that couldn't pass even basic lint for chosen standard, that's so frustrating 😤