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Items tagged with: github

"This is not a bug, but a feature." -MIcrosoft.…

#github #LeaveGithubAlready

What's your favourite #FreeSoftware that is #NotOnGitHub (or on other proprietary code forges like

Let us know in the comments! Feel free to also share code from other #Forgejo instances, #Sourcehut or other platforms.

#FreeLibreSoftware #LibreSoftware #Opensource #FLOSS #FOSS #GiveUpGithub #GitHub

In just a couple of weeks, Carie Fisher and Jesse Dugas from the GitHub Accessibility team will be sharing the accessibility features of GitHub Copilot that you can use to enhance your own projects.

Mark your calendars for July 23, 2024, 1pm ET
#A11y #Accessibility #A11yTalks #Drupal #GitHub #Copilot

Hi #blind folks, especially software developers! I'm taking part in a #GitHub research meeting and I hope to raise as many #accessibility points as I can. I was told this fact is not at all confidential, so I may gather feedback.
Here's what I remember: multiline comments are inaccessible (eternal story); sometimes menu roles are used where they shouldn't be (watching repos, reactions etc.). Anything else that really bugs you at GitHub? Thanks!

It's 2024 and GitHub still encourages bad development processes:
- it has no commit message review UI (like Gerrit or ... e-mail 😬). Good commit messages are essential to long term projects, and not encouraging reviews if bad.
- GitHub actions don't test each commit independently, meaning you can very easily break bisectability of issues (there are workarounds)
- and it tends to encourage squash and merge (as a result of those two previous points?), which is only good for write-only projects


Catima 2.29.1 is out!

This is a small bugfix release, fixing some balance and spend/receiving issues (mostly reduced confusion + workaround for some broken Android keyboard apps that don't correctly listen to the list of allowed symbols).

It also contains various translation updates.

The update is available on #GitHub right now and will most likely be available on #IzzyOnDroid within 24 hours. It has also been sent to Google Play Open Testing for review.

#Catima #Android #OpenSource

Our #GAAD edition In-Process #blog is out, featuring all the news on #NVDA 2024.2beta 1, the amazing mini-documentary @github made our new issue template and more!

Get on top of all the #GAAD #news here:…

#NVDAsr #Accessibility #Newsletter #GitHub #FOSS #ScreenReader

Catima 2.29.0 is out!

This release adds support for finding barcodes in PDF files[1] and dealing with multiple barcodes. It also properly colours the status bar during usage now.

As always, it's available on #GitHub, will soon be available on #IzzyOnDroid and will slowly roll out to other app stores.…

[1] Not sandboxed yet, help welcome in…

#Catima #OpenSource #Android

Git Mastery Configuration (Dotfiles) & Advanced Subtrees Techniques.
#git #github #dotfiles #linux #configuration #guide…

Are you a software engineer who uses GitHub in your day job, and you want/need to keep a work log including all the PRs you review each week?

This link will show all of them across all repos:…


¿Eres ingenier@ de software que usa GitHub en el trabajo y quieres/necesitas mantener una bitácora de tareas con todas las PRs que revises cada semana?

Este enlace te muestra todas en todos los repos:…

#GitHub #SoftwareEngineer #Tip

Use GitHub?

GitHub Customer Research Panel—Feedback shapes everything we do at GitHub.…

#github #webdev #survey

Hey #rust #rustlang bubble - I am giving up maintainership of the "config" crate:…

If someone wants to take over, now's your time.

#maintainer #github #repository :boost_ok: 🦀 :rust: :rustcrab:

Please boost to your rustlang bubbles.

turns out to be #GitHub breakage:…

The #curl repo on #GitHub is now forked 6,000 times

I've been chosen a #github star (again) for 2024.…

#Catima 2.27.0 is out!

Honestly a fairly small release, mostly small UI tweaks and a minor bugfix. But that's fine, it's great when software updates are boring without major changes so there is nothing new to learn :)

Available on #GitHub right now, on #IzzyOnDroid within 24 hours and on other stores when they update (see the FAQ on for details).

Hope y'all enjoy it :)

Wanted: Staff Manager, Software Engineering, Accessibility at GitHub; remote, US; via LinkedIn… #webdev #a11y #jobs #github #dev #mgr

On this day in 1999, 24 years ago, we started hosting the #curl source code on Sourceforge. Like all the cool kids. CVS baby!

In 2010 we switched to using git, hosted on #GitHub:…

Another article on #OpenSource, this time written by Richard Pope, who was one of the founding members of the UK’s #GDS. There is just so much for which governments can benefit by engaging with the open source communities that they use. Furthermore, the government contributing their work back to the public #GitHub or #GitLab repositories makes the code more secure and drives down the costs for #DigitalGovernment.

1. Read this:

“Just as GitHub was founded on Git, today we are re-founded on Copilot.”…

2. Go here:

#git #gitHub #codeberg #enshittification #BigTech #cooperative #dev

Moving from #Github to #Codeberg (as my main #Git account) is completely flawless :heart_cybre: I wish it'd be possible that many other projects I follow could've moved there...

This accessibility-alt-text-bot leaves automated reminders in a comment when a user shares an image without providing meaningful alt text. And you can add it to your GitHub projects.… #Accessibility #a11y #GitHub


I would like to sincerely thank @genewitch , for opening up a ticket for making the #Misskey web interface more accessible to all #Blind & #VisuallyImpaird users.
Comment among the #GitHub thread if anyone has ideas/thoughts, and spread the word!…

"By being on GitHub, we reduce friction from the contribution process and we maximize the ability for others to join in and help. We lower the bar. This is good for us."

There have been many criticism towards GitHub on the Fediverse (#GiveUpGitHub). Some even say it's the "Twitter of hosting code". While I understand the rationale, I disagree. Been using GitHub for over a decade now and have hundreds of repositories there. Without GitHub it would be amazingly difficult to manage. I use for-profit products by Microsoft, can you imagine some of them have their place in the world?

I can quit Twitter, Facebook, etc. and self-host almost anything, but not my and the firm's code. Why?

Read: "What if GitHub is the devil?", an article by @bagder… #OpenSource #GitHub

Oops! 😅 Github accidentally committed their on SSH private key to a public github repo. They rightly have changed the keys, so you'll get bit scary “WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!” messages.…
#ssh #github #devoops

For my latest story, I got to correspond with a Ukranian developer with cerebral palsy who uses ChatGPT and GitHub Copilot to communicate and code. It was wild, because I don't think our interaction would have been possible just a few years ago.

Beyond that, though, #GenerativeAI is removing barriers for him to code and contribute. He even released his first #OpenSource project recently sharing his experience!…

#ChatGPT #GitHubCopilot #GitHub #A11y

Hey #Fosdem! Jason is heading to the #Github Open Social event tonight at Scott’s Bar and Kitchen— and he has a limited quantity of these #Thunderbird stickers and T-shirts to give away!

Want one? Find him between 8pm and 10pm. He’s wearing a Thunderbird hoodie.

"The Venn Diagram of the Techbro": perhaps the most succinct summary of the paper.

A _very_ interesting and thorough report on toxicity in #OpenSource communities on #GitHub, including a few suggested avenues for improvements.

Let's all strive to do better.

#Community #OpenSourceBehaviours…

Looks like there’s a new phish in town. Keep an eye out, folks

#phishing #github #security

Is it good idea?
I think you'll like it.
Translation of posts in #tusky #github #issues…

#github is introducing tracking cookies. Have you moved your projects to #codeberg yet?…

#privacy #foss

Ich befürchte das dann viele Projekte zu #github umziehen werden und nicht zu #codeberg…

Wäre ein echt krasser und negativer Zug von Gitlab. Würden eine Menge #ubuntutouch Apps verschwinden die schon lange kein Update mehr bekommen haben.


A little template you can customise for your G****b readme ;)

# ⚠️ This repository has moved away from GitHub

## 👉️ [<app name> git repository (source code)](

Its new home is on [Codeberg](, an independent and ethical not-for-profit git hosting service that’s powered by donations, doesn’t track you, and is hosted in the EU.

(They also don’t [violate your licenses to train their shitty AIs](…).)

#github #codeberg

And of course I have to learn of #ForgeFed @forgefed today. 😅 An extension to #ActivityPub. Capturing the collaborative nature of source forges.

The reason #github has kept its mountain 🗻 market share is its social network. The only true way to fight centralization is by joining our abilities as a collective. Through choice and breadth of interconnected forges we hold strength. An actual #DVCS.