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We are excited to announce that Fakespot will be joining the Mozilla family. Together we will expand Fakespot’s capabilities and continue to innovate new ways to create a better online shopping experience for people, one where they can feel safe and confident they are purchasing the best, most trustworthy products. Firefox is committed to making people’s lives better online and we know Fakespot’s expertise will help us deliver an even better ecommerce experience.
in reply to Mozilla

This is interesting. I’ve been using Fakespot for years to improve online shopping. Wonder what is in store for its future.

From @mozilla

We are excited to announce that Fakespot will be joining the Mozilla family. Together we will expand Fakespot’s capabilities and continue to innovate new ways to create a better online shopping experience for people, one where they can feel safe and confident they are purchasing the best, most trustworthy products. Firefox is committed to making people’s lives better online and we know Fakespot’s expertise will help us deliver an even better ecommerce experience.

in reply to Mozilla

Would have been nice of you to include a link in the blog post to some sort of landing page for Fakespot to make it easier for new users to find more info on it.
in reply to Mozilla

⌛ 6 years and counting since #Mozilla promised to release #Pocket under an #OpenSource license.

🤨 Will #Fakespot get the same false promises?