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I've got this #PinePhone (2GB RAM; 16GB eMMC) and I really don't use it.

So, for #WomensDay I am donating it to you, because you...

* Contribute to #opensource or want to start
* Will send me a link to a single contribution of ANY type (code, design, helping others, issue, translation, etc)
* Will write a few words about how #opensource empowers people
* Identify as a woman

On Monday (March 11, 2024), I'll pick a winner and invite you to email me a shipping address.


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in reply to Andy Holmes

too late, our little one got her first phone (and a PinePhone at that) a while ago 🤘

Fun aside, nice offer 👍

in reply to Beko Pharm

@bekopharm That's great! It's really nice stuff like this is available for the young ones these days 👍
in reply to Andy Holmes

1. I kinda already contributed to a lot of FOSS projects (none of them are code tho)
2. First off, I translated Warehouse to Thai (Not sure if I could check who translated the lines tho) and a bit of Fluffychat
I also got the inactive coordinator for Thai in GNOME replaced with someone who's more active (I would coordinate myself, but I don't trust myself too much plus the UI's kinda confusing 😅)

On the design side, I designed 's icon, made this lil art for Warehouse (, and an icon theme for Colored Adwaita Folders ( which got merged into an accent colors extension (

I flatpak'd Date Calculator ( and tried to flatpak'd Beeper (It works, but it does not make it through to flathub and I was burnt out) (

In terms of issues, I raised an issue in Molly (Signal Fork) about the disconnecting secondary device, which got fixed
That should be all.

3. I think open source software really empowers people. Me, myself, I thought I could never do anything in relation to software because I'm used to the proprietary way of doing things. I soon realize that in open source software communities you can submit patches, help people, or just give out ideas. I think it really empowers people to get more involved and feel like they matter.
4. Hi I'm a trans woman

One roadblock if I do win, is that I live in Thailand and idk if shipping to here is possible 😅

in reply to Andy Holmes

@AmyIsCoolz You win!

This is not a official GNOME thing, but you can send me an e-mail at and it will go to my personal address.