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Retrospective as GNOME director…


Andy Holmes reshared this.

in reply to Sonny

You did great things with the time you had as a director and I know you won't stop doing great things 🙂
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Sonny

Thanks a lot for everything you've done for the community.
in reply to Sonny

GNOME director? All I knew before was the author of Workbench. 👍
in reply to Sonny

Thank you for all you have done, Sonny ❤️
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Sonny

I'm sad to see you go. It was a pleasure and an honor working with you. Thanks for all that you've done! I'm excited to see where you'll go from here!
in reply to Sonny

Soutien. Je sais à quel point le projet te tient à cœur depuis si longtemps, et c’est difficile de ne pas transposer ici. J’espère que tu vas bien.

J’ai toujours été admiratif de ta façon d’interagir avec la communauté Mozilla, et je suis sûr que tu as été tout aussi positif et apprécié dans la communauté Gnome.

Prends soin de toi ! Bon courage pour la suite.

in reply to Sonny

thank you for everything. It sucks how long it takes, but we will figure this out!
in reply to Sonny

Thanks for all (past, present and future actions) 🫶.
in reply to Sonny

Thank you for all the hard work you have done for GNOME and it's users, hopefully you are doing well ❤️
in reply to Sonny

Oh wow, I'm just seeing this now. I hope you are doing ok! Thank you for all you've done with and for GNOME! It was fun working with you on Workbench!