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#AndroidAppRain at today with 5 updated and 3 added #Android #apps

* Notie: Material You note-taking app
* Termux Terminal Widget: Widget that displays output of a shell command
* CuteCalc: a simple, lightweight calculator

At 3 updated and 5 added #Magisk modules:

* MagiskHideDenyBackup / -Restore
* Superuser List Backup / Restore
* magisk-autoboot


in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

At @fdroidorg 34 updated and 9 added apps:

* Alibi: Audio-Dashcam
* Vibrator: start & stop the system vibrator
* Mirror: turn your device into a pocket mirror
* GuessIron: measure things
* Bluetooth LE Spam: impersonate Bluetooth LE devices
* Mercurygram: Telegram client
* FreeCell4: Card game
* Libre Memory Game: a memory game

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with #FDroid and the #IzzySoftRepo :awesome: