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Still no luck with the Baum display, but at least NVDA isn't crashing anymore. The display says "Baum V:005 19.03.98", then offers 4 modes. I can choose from Baum, Emul. 2, Emul. 3, or Emul. 4. None work with NVDA or Narrator. I even changed my serial to USB adapter's rate to 19200 instead of 9600, but this did nothing. The display uses a 2x5 header, so I got an adapter to go from that to serial. TMK there's only the one kind of adapter. I'm stuck. I'm not sure what else to try. I'm so close!
in reply to Alex Hall

What model of Baum is it? Some older models use a slightly different protocol that NVDA doesn't support.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh I'm honestly not sure. The Ebay listing said it's an AccessAbility RBT 40, but it's definitely Baum. At startup, it says it's from 1998, at least I'm assuming that's what those numbers indicate. Is there any way for NVDA to support this, or is it just too old?
in reply to Alex Hall

That's definitely a Baum display, yes, but I think it uses a slightly different protocol, which means someone would have to add support to the driver assuming they could get the protocol documentation out of Baum. BRLTTY supports that display and NVDA supports BRLTTY, so you could use it that way, but it's fiddly and you might not have access to all the buttons that way.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh I'll try brltty again. It failed earlier, but I'll keep at it. NVDA tends to be quite reluctant to connect to any display after it fails, so I've found I have to set it to no braille between attempts. At least, it won't go back to working with my mPower until I first set it to no braille. Thanks for the brltty tip.
in reply to Alex Hall

I believe NVDA will only auto retry a connection to display for cases which support automatic detection; i.e. cases where you can set NVDA's braille display setting to automatic.
in reply to Alex Hall

I would be interested to know if you managed to get this display working with #brltty. I was trying to help one guy with his Tieman Braille Voyager but we haven't managed it to work.
in reply to Peter Vágner

@pvagner @jcsteh Not so far. In fact, I've been trying to get my mPower to work with it. I know the mPower, cable, and adapter are all working just fine. So far, no luck. NVDA either fails to set Brltty as the display, or sets it, then outputs nothing. Brltty says I have no BrailleNote driver.