While I'm talking about games: #stardew Access is so, so close to being actually fun, with a good time freeze and autofishing addon. Unfortunately, I just can't get past the way pathfinding fails sometimes, and the way crops that are watered randomly don't update to show they're watered, and the way NPCs run around like pixies when you want to talk to them, so by the time pathfinding finishes they're already gone, and the way getting into bed is still a matter of trial and error. It makes things that would otherwise be fun into a chore. But, like, the mod itself is done well enough that it makes Stardew feel like a native #audiogame, if it wasn't for the weird bugs and issues. And the game is fully playable, from what I can tell. I just can't get into the relaxing cozy vibe when I'm trying to figure out the exact direction to approach my bed at night, or wondering why the plants aren't getting watered when I'm using my watering can right on the tile, or chasing an NPC across the map who keeps walking away from me when I wanna talk to them. github.com/stardew-access/stardew-access#a11y
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in reply to Alex Hall

@alexhall I think so. Right now it shows as on sale for 10 bucks for me. It is an older game, after all. store.steampowered.com/app/413150/Stardew_Valley/
in reply to Alex Hall

@alexhall Once you install it and run the game once, you can use this to set up the mods for you: github.com/azurejoga/Stardew-Valley-access-automatic
Note that the autofishing mod they download is out of date and won't work. You can get the updated one here:
I also uploaded the time freeze mod I use. Press n to freeze the time, and n again to unfreeze it.
in reply to 🇨🇦Samuel Proulx🇨🇦

the NPC’s. Do you like to run away a lot. That’s why I use SMAPI commands to make friends with everybody at once. I get tired of chasing them. I found a trick for getting into bed. Let it pass, find due to the bed, take one step forward, and then hit the bed again. you’ll get the do you want to go to sleep pop up then, or at least you should
in reply to 🇨🇦Samuel Proulx🇨🇦

I don’t know about the intro quest honestly. Never really paid much attention. When I even bother trying to complete that quest, I save it for a festival day because it’s a lot easier to track people down. Also if you want to use SMAPI, the command is debug friendall
in reply to The Evil Chocolate Cookie

@evilcookies98 Thanks! I haven't had one of those yet. Mostly I just get to day five or six, realize that a crop that I thought was watered isn't, get upset that now I screwed up, and restart. Or pick up my bed by mistake, can never ever put it back, get upset, and restart. Or spend all day chasing Haley all over the map, get somewhere that leaves me completely stuck and unable to get back to the bus stop, get upset, and restart. LOL
in reply to 🇨🇦Samuel Proulx🇨🇦

if you get stuck somewhere, you can use debug warp farm to get back to your farm, or if you wanna warp somewhere else, substitute the name of any location for the one I just used in the example. You can work yourself to the beach, town, the forest, etc. I don’t know the names of all the buildings, so I don’t know how you could warp yourself into, say, some random person‘s house, but as for the big locations, I do know you can do that. Just don’t warp yourself to the summit unless you wanna get pushed off.
in reply to The Evil Chocolate Cookie

@evilcookies98 I mean I spend so much of my time chasing Haley and Abigail around the map as they franticly run away from me that I might as well just complete my creepy stalker vibe and warp directly into their bedrooms, right? Sigh. It's thoughts like this that makes it hard for me to relax while playing Stardew. LOL. Seriously though, thanks for the tips.
in reply to 🇨🇦Samuel Proulx🇨🇦

what about with jaws? That’s basically what I use unless I’m playing ball bouncer because for some reason they saw fit to break being able to play the game with Jaws. Before the 1.3 update came out. It worked just fine and now it won’t do squat. i’m a little annoyed by that.
in reply to 🇨🇦Samuel Proulx🇨🇦

I'm loving the heck out of Stardew with the Access mod, yes there are quirks and idiosyncrasies, but I challenge anyone to make a native audio game that comes close to Stardew, because so far it hasn't been done. And I love the fact that Access is continually getting worked on, there was an update earlier today that allows for accessible egg hunts and such. I do feel your pain as regards to NPC's running away from you, I just keep moving to them until I get to a place where I can actually talk to them, but it does take a lot of trial and error. Stardew does have a learning curve, but so far, I'm getting pretty used to it. It's a lot of fun.
in reply to 🇨🇦Samuel Proulx🇨🇦

I think the watering plant is also a visual bug. It's possible to toggle a settings to see a rectangle showing where the tool will be used (it's supposed to designate the tile on which the tool will do something) but it often shows a tile which is not the one where the tool is used! It's a problem in the vanilla game I encounter each time I play. Those problems totally may be linked.