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Anyone know how long it takes for Mastodon instances to update their profile pic caches for followed accounts?

I’m still seeing the initial one for our Owncast account. No idea how to manually force a refresh either.

CC @Gargron

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in reply to Aral Balkan

When you have shell access to the system your instance is running on, there's tootctl accounts refresh ... to force an update.
in reply to Aral Balkan

you can force a manual refresh on the server-side using the `tootctl media refresh`. This should update the image. There is also a `tootctl accout refresh` command.

I'm not sure myself if you need both, I think the media one should be enough, but just for completeness.
in reply to Sheogorath

But surely account profile images update after a while anyway, right? :)

(I’m with @mastohost for my instance ­– as I don’t have the headspace to maintain/update a system designed for 100,000+ people when I’m using it just for me – so sadly no shell access. Hugo, is this something you could do for me?)

CC @Gargron
in reply to Aral Balkan

That should auto update, don't know how long it will take though.

I believe you can force it via the web interface. Can you please try and go to Moderation->Accounts and find the Owncast account. Then click to enter the account details and you will have a button to "Refresh Profile". Let me know if that doesn't work and I can do it via Tootctl.

@sheogorath @Gargron
in reply to

Hey Hugo, thanks. Had already tried that but just did it again, just in case. Says it’s refreshed but not even the statistics are refreshed in that view (they are elsewhere). The profile pic stays the same.

@sheogorath @Gargron
in reply to Aral Balkan

Hey Hugo, I’m assuming you ran the command-line command because it has updated now :) Thanks!

@sheogorath @Gargron
in reply to Aral Balkan

Great but that's strange. I assumed it did the same via command line or the refresh button. It looks like there is a difference.

@sheogorath @Gargron
in reply to

Yeah, the refresh button doesn’t seem to do much of anything as far as I can see. Assuming its a bug.

@sheogorath @Gargron