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My #curl talk at #FOSDEM I did in the network devroom takes a while to appear as there was some glitches in the recording that I could not just fix myself when asked to by the fancy video-approval system.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Yeah, mine is taking its sweet time as well. Not gonna complain when it's all underappreciated volunteer work, though.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Mine had similar problems, so I ended up learning kdenlive yesterday to get it resolved. I don't mind having this new skill, and I think it turned out well despite my amateur video editing skills. (The original had the slides off by whole 6 seconds 😅​)
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Thanks for calling my code fancy 😉

We can add an apology note if you like. They look like the second slide on

If you want to go down that route, contact us (contact info in the review invite emails) and we'll get that set up.

in reply to Wouter Verhelst

@wouter I don't see contact details in any of the emails I get. In fact, I find the lack of that rather... confusing. I have go back to the first email to find the issue link, but that issue no longer has the recording and there is no way to contact you other than to add text to the form.