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in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Not sure whether this works for curl: Formal checks of the commit message can be nicely automated with GitHub actions so that the contributor gets instant feedback. OpenJDK uses this heavily on their repos.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

i’ve solved this with the squash and merge approach. But you only get a single commit. However, you get to edit the message.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

not sure your suggested solution would work, as the merged state makes some promises afaik.

You can access the pull request with a .patch suffix, and this will give you a valid patch file for said pull request.

However, with your approach this promise would no longer hold.

in reply to gigantos

@gigantos The PR is separate from the final commit anyway so it could still work.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

ah, yeah. If they link it to the actual commit, the patch is still correct.

Doh. Sorry for wasting your time

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

Oh how I wish GitHub would allow fast-forward merges. I would love to force-push a PR with a corrected commit message and then FF merge. Bitbucket allows this!
in reply to Jörn Franke

We have support for manual merges. The detection is still not perfect, but works in most cases, and you can always provide the commit id that merged a PR instead of pressing the merge button if it failed for some reason.

The option is "Enable autodetect manual merge (Note: In some special cases, misjudgments can occur)" in the Pull requests repo settings.