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⚡Breaking News⚡
The #surveillance program known as Data Analytical Services (previously known as Hemisphere) has been actively collecting trillions of domestic call records from Americans including those of individuals not suspected of any crimes.🕵️ 📱

Telecom provider AT&T has been collecting and saving call data on behalf of law enforcement agencies without any legal requirement to do so. 👨‍⚖️

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#privacy #surveillance #surveillancecapitalism #att #telecom

in reply to Tuta

Isn't that one of the surveillance programs that Edward Snowden revealed? As far as I know the government never mentioned the will to shut it down, only some “safeguard mechanisms” were promised to be installed.
in reply to Mark Kahl 🚲🐻🦁🇺🇦🇮🇱

@agitatra This program is not new, but its on-going data collection is startling. Not to mention AT&T's willing cooperation in the collection of this data without requiring a warrant.
in reply to Tuta

Well yes, absolutely startling. However I have the impression that more and more people are getting used to it, especially because the program is "only used to fight child abuse and terrorism", and occasionally - in an act of self defence - to find out if the surveilIer's girlfriend is cheating on him.
Fortunately, as an european I have to write like a monk about love, thanks to our high court, such a program is prohibited, at least officially😬.
This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Tuta

And this is why within the IT industry AT&T is known as the Devil of Telecommunications. I think every place I've been where they have a presence has been FUBAR. People with no morals and even less intelligence. The entire company needs to be shut down.
in reply to Tuta

“Ask not who the shithole countries are. Ask why your country is a shithole country.”

Fuck you NSA