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Items tagged with: surveillancecapitalism

just as we suspected, Google and Apple's push notifications are not secure. I know Jami uses open source push notifications unifiedpush and their own dht proxy
Does anyone know what signal uses?
#Jami #surveillance #SurveillanceCapitalism

The W3C publishing ethical web principles is like OPEC publishing ethical climate principles.

Who are the members of the W3C?

Facebook (Meta),

The W3C is the standards body of surveillance capitalism.

Ethical principles? W3C? Don’t make me laugh!

If they had any ethics they’d have expelled their most prominent members starting with Google and Facebook.…

#w3c #BigWeb #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming #ethics #PR

How to block #threads in #friendica

  1. sarch for via the search field
  2. click on name to open profile
  3. switch to Conversations
  4. click to open the more menu
  5. select Ignore server

Enjoy your Fediverse life without #SurveillanceCapitalism.

!Friendica Support

⚡Breaking News⚡
The #surveillance program known as Data Analytical Services (previously known as Hemisphere) has been actively collecting trillions of domestic call records from Americans including those of individuals not suspected of any crimes.🕵️ 📱

Telecom provider AT&T has been collecting and saving call data on behalf of law enforcement agencies without any legal requirement to do so. 👨‍⚖️

More here:…

#privacy #surveillance #surveillancecapitalism #att #telecom

You disagree with what exactly? That there are no viable alternatives to a walled garden whose owners abuse those who use it? Who have no respect for their work and intellectual property rights?

Because there are plenty of alternatives that people use every day.…

#GiveUpGitHub #UserRights #SurveillanceCapitalism #OpenSource

⚠️ :google: #Google rolls out a so-called #privacy tool that replaces one form of trackers with another.

🔎 :android: Don't use Google's proprietary and distributions of #Android if you want to avoid #SurveillanceCapitalism.…

Dear conference organisers,

If you don’t want to limit your speakers to those who are fine with surveillance capitalism, please don’t make your call for proposals require an account with a surveillance capitalist.

#conference #callForProposal #CFP #google #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming

“Many browsers and anti-spyware applications are designed to reject and delete third-party cookies. Adobe ensures that cookies can always we [sic] set even if third-party cookies are blocked.”

That feeling when you admit you’re spyware.

#Adobe #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming #adtech #spyware #SiliconValley #BigTech via @GossiTheDog

✊🏽 "We need to stop trying to turn private companies into something they’re not, and start building a new moral, institutional and legal order to express the values, rights and standards that we hold into the digital realm. It’s not about whether Zuckerberg is good or bad, vampire or human. It’s about getting to a place where we don’t have to care."

#DigitalAutonomy #TechAutonomy #SurveillanceCapitalism…

San Francisco: “This week, the city will put into effect its new camera ordinance, which is aimed at helping police investigate crimes. The legislation, crafted by the city’s mayor, London Breed, gives police the right to request access to the live footage of privately owned internet cameras.”

Please buy an Amazon Ring or Google Nest camera and help us build the surveillance state. Big Brother thanks you for your cooperation.

#SurveillanceCapitalism #BigTech

I spoke about the fediverse, Elon Musk, and more with Steve Boland back in July for the Next in Nonprofits podcast.

Have a listen:…

#fediverse #nonProfit #notForProfit #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming #BigTech #SmallTech #SmallWeb #podcast

If you use the Firefox browser – or a privacy-respecting Firefox fork, like LibreWolf ( – take a look at the LibRedirect extension ( It automatically redirects links/embeds of surveillance capitalists like Google (YouTube, etc.), Instragram, Twitter, Reddit, etc. to community-run instances that remove tracking, etc.

#selfDefense #surveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming #SiliconValley #libRedirect

You’re just a programmer, right? Surely you carry no responsibility for what you program…

Meet the programmers bombing the shit out of Ukraine.

They’re just programmers too.…

#programming #responsibility #ethics #BigTech #surveillanceCapitalism #ukraine #war #theNurembergDefense

Wow… this is a mass-scale health data grab (DNA, etc.) by industry if ever there was one.

Just look at how it’s funded and the people running it:…

Also looks like the Silicon Valley/Stanford/startup folks have finally well and truly got their nails into the NHS after constant lobbying and facilitated by folks (useful idiots or accomplices?) like NESTA.

CC @glynmoody

#ourFutureHealth #uk #surveillanceCapitalism #health #BigData #peopleFarming

Are you serious right now? You do know what Google is, right? You do understand what their business model is? I thought NGI/NLnet was purportedly about finding and supporting *alternatives* to surveillance capitalists like Google, Meta, etc., not trying to improve their PR by perpetuating the myth that they’re generally a force for good who sometimes (often) make silly mistakes.

Do better.

#ngi #nextGenerationInternet #bigTech #google #surveillanceCapitalism #pr #NLnet

“LinkedIn ran experiments on more than 20 million users over five years … The findings suggest that some users had better access to job opportunities or a meaningful difference in access to job opportunities.”

Me, a decade ago: “you’re the lab rat”

Folks: “you’re scaremongering”

#peopleFarming #surveillanceCapitalism #youreTheLabRat #BigTech #colonialTechnology

Sometimes the internet is really funny - or scary.

The Chrome browser is one example.

While you believe you are browsing the web, Google is browsing you instead.

Check out Leah Elliott's comic on how Google's tracking works:

#google #surveillance #surveillancecapitalism #privacy #Fight4Privacy #tutanota

“TikTok poses an unacceptable national security risk due to its extensive data harvesting being combined with Beijing’s apparently unchecked access to that sensitive data.” – Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

This is true.

Now replace TikTok with Facebook, Snapchat, <insert Silicon Valley Big Tech corporation or startup here> and Beijing with Washington, DC and…

This is also true.


#peopleFarming #surveillanceCapitalism #BigTech #humanRights #democracy

🚨 :facebook: NEW: #Facebook is collecting ultrasensitive personal #data about #abortion seekers and enabling anti-abortion organizations to use that data as a tool to target and influence people online, in violation of its own policies and promises.

#privacy #surveillance #SurveillanceCapitalism #DeleteFacebook…

#SurveillanceCapitalism Spreading In #Schools, Sidelining Role Of #Teachers.

My Take: putting children under 24/7 monitoring, is harmful to natural development + #autonomy.

Ex: intense security (like recent proposal to add armed taser drones + force children to train with them) may do little more than put kids in more fear.

#News #Education #Privacy #HumanRights #AI…

IAB Europe’s consent popups are unlawful

“IAB Europe ‘was aware of risks linked to non-compliance’ and ‘was negligent.’”

IAB Europe is the online advertising industry’s (aka adtech aka the folks I call “people farmers” trade body)…

Via @jayrope

#GDPR #consent #privacy #IAB #adtech #peopleFarming #surveillanceCapitalism #SiliconValley

Ah, so delightfully optimised for people farming you’d almost think Google wrote it!

#peopleFarming #surveillanceCapitalism #web #standards #protocols #http #http3

Spoke to a guy once who was (is?) CEO of some startup that displayed words on top of each other. Was apparently easier for people with dyslexia to read (not sure this was ever peer reviewed).

So I ask him: “What’s your business model?”

He looks at me like I’m daft. “We know what you’re reading.”

#SurveillanceCapitalism #peopleFarming

Fucking hell, as some of you have pointed out in the comments, also, it’s tied to my router. I have the same router I had in Malmö. If this is not a GDPR violation, I have no idea what is.

So Mozilla – Defender of Privacy™ – is storing my location history, tied to my router, without ever having gotten consent from me to do so.

This is a fucking scandal.

#privacy #location #data #mozilla #surveillanceCapitalism


... but wait there is more coming at about the #metaverse tomorrow!🤩

Guess what though : it is NOT about how a single centralized #surveillanceCapitalism ad-driven corporation is going to entrap us.

No, instead it is about how WE can build a better society together!🫂…
