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I was nominated for the #Microsoft MVP program, but even though I am the main author of #curl that ships with #Windows since many years now, I barely know any "Microsoft technology" so I could not fill in the form without taking some... eh, "liberties".

I'm pretty confident they will just discard it and I will not be sorry.

in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

well, given that I know who you are, I'll put in a good word as best I can. 🙂
in reply to Karl Emil Nikka

@karlemilnikka to be honest, I don't have any particular reason for this other than perhaps it can help me get through to MSians better when I run into Windows related issues.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

random comment but… uses the phrase “Windows is an open and flexible platform” and variations of it quite a few times, and they’re using the same expression elsewhere eg for azure. Maybe they’re open and flexible washing their product line. Making a bunch of open source people MVPs would be a cheap way of providing evidence that they’re open source friendly!
in reply to kurtseifried (he/him)

@kurtseifried I agree. I was a little bit surprised that for example "open source" is not listed as an area to be an expert in. I had to claim I am an expert in C++ and "Web Development"...
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

if anything being a Microsoft MVP might make it seem like you endorse Microsoft in some way
in reply to Kaito

@kaito02 I considered that as well, but I view that risk fairly slim as I am in no position of need or dependency of them. I bend for no giant tech behemoth. 😁
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

the main reason why the form is are asking you this is so the program team can map you to a specific product group.
The different product groups have more or less involvement with the MSMVPs. That impacts anything from how much they communicate/take input from the group, to events, swag etc...
It'd be interesting for you to know who nominated you, a product group specifically, in which case I doubt they'll look at the answer, or somebody from the community.
in reply to daniel:// stenberg://

(it wasn’t me! If you ever need to get through to other MS folks, feel free to ping me though!)