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Items tagged with: Windows

#Windows 11 is now automatically enabling #OneDrive folder backup without asking permission

"Quietly and without any announcement, the company [#Microsoft] changed Windows 11's initial setup so that it could turn on the automatic folder backup without asking for it."

Imagine your operating system forcing all your desktop files to sync to the cloud, without letting you know it would do that. Users should be aware of when their files are synced to any cloud.

Oh wait, I forgot... Microsoft has zero regard for user choice, #privacy, and #security.


Itseems to be unnecessarily difficult to switch from 'balanced' to 'high performance' power plan in #windows. Lately though, it seems unnecessarily difficult to do quite a lot of things in windows generally.

Giving #LinuxMint a spin in a virtual machine because my mom has expressed an interest in migrating to Linux when #Windows 10 enters end-of-life. It's actually pretty darn slick and user-friendly; comes with a lot of stuff made by the Mint devs themselves for #Linux Mint, and I think it might be the perfect thing to migrate my mom over to. Will probably stick with the #Debian based LMDE.

Wer kennt IT-Menschen, die mit ihrem Unternehmen oder ihrer Organisation von #Windows auf #Linux umgestiegen sind - oder den Umstieg evaluiert und aus bestimmten Gründen wieder verworfen haben?

Wir würden gerne mal mit jemandem sprechen, der*die solche Erfahrungen gemacht hat.


I know that there are lots of Linux users here on Mastodon.
But if you use Windows on a laptop, please give an advice on how to do maximum battery saving on Windows 11.

I'm blind and so I can turn off the display, of course I turn off BT and Wi-fi because i'll be in a moving car.
I don't need to play games, I need only my VSCode, console and terminal; maybe a text editor.

Of course I know about power saving policies in Windows and I will turn them on.
I can switch to low-energy cooling with hardware button.
But I need more.
Can I somehow maybe disable CPU boost or do other things?
Maybe there is some software for that?
If you're #blind too, would be good if the software is also accessible with #screenreader.

Thanks in advance for any valuable advice.

#windows #windows11 #power_saving #askfedi

I recently created a small Windows 11 installation alongside my existing Linux installation. I couldn't get the graphical Windows installer to do what I wanted - to create a partition in the free storage space, then install the operating system to it, and then use EFI System Partition that was already there.

I found a solution online, namely, to install Windows from the command line (with diskpart to create the partition, dism to write out the operating system from the WIM file, and bcdboot to place boot files into the EFI System Partition). The only problem I encountered was that I wasn't able to review the command prompt window with Windows Narrator. It read all of the command output, but the review commands didn't work for me, whether or not it was in scan mode. There may be a solution. I've only ever used Windows Narrator to install or set up the operating system, so I'm definitely not a Narrator expert.

I'm not a Windows system administration expert either, but I'm comfortable that I can delete and recreate it if needed. It's there primarily for testing purposes and for those situations in which Microsoft Office is the best pragmatic solution to a problem (although LibreOffice under Linux is undergoing accessibility improvements these days).
#accessibility #Windows #screenReaders #SystemAdministration

On my 2020 Intel Mac running #windows10 under #Bootcamp, I have no audio output when the system resumes from Hybernation. Has anyone got ideas for how I might fix this? #Win10 #windows

Good things come to those who wait... But you can help us to test a preview of our next major update, #LibreOffice 24.8, due in August! We'd especially appreciate testing help from #Windows 7 users:… #foss #opensource

I'm not sure if this is an #NVDA bug, an #NVDAJP bug, or a #Windows bug, but I've noticed something. Anyone have this issue where the home key jumps to the top of the previous line instead of the current line you're positioned on? It happens to me in Notepad and #TWBlue, and it's super annoying. #Blind #Accessibility

didn't know this before, and didn't have to because i haven't installed windows in the past 10 years. but for those who need to do this, this workaround should be known:

Thankfully, there remains another way to install Windows 11 without a Microsoft account. When you’re at the log-in screen, you can hit Shift + F10 and type OOBE/BYPASSNRO, which will let you create a local account instead if you do not have an internet connection (so disconnect the internet for this).

#computer #internet #instgallation #windows #windows11 #linux

Screenshot of Windows 11 installation step of account creation is redundant but Shift + F10 OOBE/BYPASSNRO comes to the rescue.

Um das ganz klar zu sagen: Mir geht es nicht darum, ein System schlecht zu machen. Aber bei uns ist es so, dass der Wechsel zurück eine mit Abstand bessere Nutzererfahrung bietet. Zudem muss ich nicht mehr auf Audiobearbeitung mit #Reaper verzichten. Das gibt es nämlich nur auf #Windows und #MacOS für #Blinde nutzbar. Am Ende dieses experiments muss ich mich fragen: Wie viele Einschränkungen möchte ich zusätzlich mit mir rumtragen, wenn ich ohnehin schon mit Nachteilen zu kämpfen habe?

Ich habe mich bewusst darauf eingelassen, weil mir die großen Hersteller durch die Bank weg zu viele dinge getan haben oder tun wollen, die ich absolut furchtbar finde. Und ich habe mit etwas Anpassung gerechnet. Und es war auch bei weitem nicht alles schlecht. Dennoch muss ich festhalten, dass der Wechsel zurück aufs #iPhone und auf #Windows mir mindestens das Dreifache an Löffeln bei gleichem Nutzungsszenario gebracht hat. Und damit habe ich wirklich nicht gerechnet

Kürzlich den #NUC, der am TV als Medienabspieler dient, von #Linux auf #Windows umgezogen.

* Deutlich besserer Sound (natürlichere Sprachwiedergabe und der sprichwörtliche vorhang ist weg)
* Medienserver und Player auf dem selben Gerät führt nicht mehr zu 80 % Auslastung des Systems
* Barrierefreiheit ist um ein Vielfaches besser. Selbst bei diesem Anwendungsgebiet

* Fragwürdiger Datenschutz
* Kein Open-Source-betriebssystem


It just clicked in my brain. What I haven't been able to articulate about why I'm so anxious about #Windows Recall. I'm sure others have already gotten to where I am.

It's worse than "a system that tracks everything you do" and stores that info in a basic database that could be easily compromised.
It's worse than a nanny surveillance tool for companies to spy on their employees.

It's inescapable.

It doesn't matter if I make a dozen "how to disable recall" tutorials. The second YOUR data shows up on someone ELSE'S screen, it's in THEIR recall database.

It won't matter if you're a master #security expert specialist. You can't account for EVERY other computer you've ever interacted with. If a family member looks up an old email with your personal data in it, your data is now at risk.

If THEIR system is compromised YOUR data is at risk.

I just went from "vague feeling of unease" to "actively writing templates to canvas elected officials, regulators, and attorneys general."

#Windows users running stupid scanners now contact us for support regarding CVE-2023-46218 which the scanners say affects #curl 8.4.0 shipped by Microsoft.

It would, if their version was built to use #iibpsl, a prereq for this CVE, which #Microsoft does not.

Security scanners. A snake oil business.…

ICQ is closing down. It was really at its height in 2000 and that is when we integrated ICQ into Opera. We made a small (5k) client and it worked really well.

AOL had purchased ICQ and they were concerned about MSN taking users from them by connecting to their service, so they stopped supporting 3rd party clients. We contacted them, to see if they would make an exception for us, but they did not.

They said that if we removed our 5k client, we could maybe discuss bundling their client, but it was bigger than Opera, so that was not going to happen.

#Windows #Computers #PC #ICQ #AOL #MSN #Vivaldi

I just bought a #Lenovo #Legion9 and had the opposite experience.

I keep hearing people say things about #Linux v #Windows which aren't true, and in a recent discussion they turned out to be out of date opinions from someone not using it.

Obviously you were, but I take issue that it's only good for basic tasks. I do all sorts and it just gets better while Windows degrades and spys.

W11 cursor was jerky, sending all cicks home. Noticeably faster when I switched to #Ubuntu 24.

Just setup a 2nd hand bought #Lenovo #Thinkpad T480s. Had it running with #Debian. Now runs #Windows 11, #JAWS and #LeaseyLove

The efficiency boost is honestly mind blowing. And that is with so many keystrokes to wrap my head around. Absolutely worth the money and lets me work at least four times as fast as with the previous setups.

Would I have liked to keep on using Linux? Yes but at this point if one is doing more than just browsing the web and reading E-Mails it is very hard to recommend.

Folks who might be looking to move from Windows to Linux: another option, if it’s financially feasible for you and you don’t want to mess with installing Linux, is to sell your Windows machine and buy a Linux one.

Yep, they exist.

Folks like @starlabs in the UK, @tuxedocomputers in the EU, and @system76 in the US sell Linux machines that just work out of the box.

#windows #linux #recall

The best ways to improve opsec against coercion are to:

  • Limit what can be taken (reduce what’s stored on a device).
  • Fake what you do have: use duress passwords or secondary devices.
  • Last resort: use a hardware key that’s deliberately easy to lose or break, so there’s potentially no key to give up in a rubber-hose attack.

There’s overlap between the three. A duress password temporarily limits what’s stored on a device, and losing a decryption key is more or less the same as instantly wiping encrypted data to reduce what you have to offer. All come down to having less data to give when coerced into giving what you have. Operating systems should also obey this principle by storing as little offline data as possible, and providing duress safeguards for what must be stored.

Windows Recall captures an amount of offline telemetry comparable to parental-control apps often used to control human trafficking victims: the data encompass everything potential victims do on their machines, without any duress protections. Presenting such a feature as opt-out seems like it’s almost designed to hurt victims.

The decision-makers behind features like Recall, or invasive child-monitoring spyware, have likely never experienced this type of abuse. Or perhaps they are the abusive party at home.

Originally posted on See original (POSSE). #Windows #Recall. Quoting a post by @evacide:

"...a would-be hacker would need to gain physical access to your device, unlock it and sign in before they could access saved screenshots."

I've got some news for Microsoft about how domestic abuse works.…

I have been working with #NVDA the last couple of weeks and started using #orca on #Linux more and more. Currently using #JAWS with #Leasey. If you work in a #Microsoft driven office environment, you will get stuff done way faster with JAWS and Leasey. On one hand I like that. On the other I wish especially #Linux and #orca would work more efficiently so I can jump off of #Windows for good without loosing out on productivity cause of #blindness. And yes, I am willing to pay for leaps forward!

Got very excited by @matt demo of AccessKit integration in #GTK

AccessKit is a cross-platform abstraction for accessibility infrastructure written in Rust.

His work will bring a11y support for GTK on macOS and Windows as well as for the new accessibility architecture on Linux code-named "Newton".…

#GNOME #rustlang #accessibility #a11y #Linux #Windows #macOS

Psst 👋 Email Preview for push notifications is coming soon!

Now you can know who is sending you an email before opening your mailbox! 🎉

Here's a sneak peek 🤫
#teaser #ios #android #sneakpeek #privacy #security #linux #macos #windows

Wow! German State Ditches #Microsoft for #OpenSource #Software
The end of dominance for #Microsoft in this German state, replacing #Windows with #Linux, and Office with #LibreOffice

OK :) Next IC_Null #twitch stream will at 3 PM eastern on #patchTuesday. VPn issues were sorted (obviously the cuplrit was #windows) so we can start the #tryHackMe content off good and proper this time. Expect #linux #accessibility, #screenReader black magic and other such rantings tomorrow at #selfPromo #streamer #areHashtagsEvenStillCool?

Dear fediverse, what is an adequate freeware (even better, if #openSource) replacement for #Adobe #Photoshop for #Windows? Current needs: take a painting made by hand, make it a vector graphics image and do some other stuff with it. Sorry for being so vague, I'm totally blind, it's for my wife who is not on fediverse (yet). Thank you so much! #Help

Did you know if you're working in the #Windows command line you can use clip to pipe the output of your command to the clipboard? 👀

For example, you can do this in cmd if you want to copy and paste the info somewhere else (rather than manually having to select the output to copy it):

systeminfo | clip

Did you know in #Windows 11 you can press WIN + CTRL + V to open a volume mixer? 👀

@FediVerseExplorer @WestphalDenn I am using web version of #element in @Firefox by default however #electron based apps are now accessible on #linux in a similar way as they are #accessible on #windows. So I think you will like it. Also #fractal a #gtk4 #matrix client developed with @GNOME technologies is accessible with #orca.

After a great week for Linux, with the releases of Fedora 40 and today Ubuntu 24.04, I would be interested to know which operating system the Fediverse in my "bubble" uses? Linux? Windows? Or macOS or even a BSD? More than one?

Please write in the comments which distribution or version! Thanks for participating and SHARING!

#linux #unix #opensource #freesoftware #windows #microsoft #apple #macos #bsd #freebsd #openbsd #netbsd #debian #fedora #ubuntu #linuxmint #archlinux #opensuse #gnome #kde

  • Linux - Which one? (71%, 50 votes)
  • Windows 10/11 (15%, 11 votes)
  • macOS (20%, 14 votes)
  • FreeBSD/NetBSD/OpenBSD (30%, 21 votes)
70 voters. Poll end: 1 month ago

Might as well ask! This is for both tech and non-tech peeps

* If you are on windows, what keeps you on windows? If you wanted to switch, why and what information do you want to help resolve this?

* What is computer literacy to you? Like, you can split this off into different levels as well like basic, intermediate, expert of use a primary-school, high-school framing.

I guess if I was to give a clear constraint here, I'm interested to know what you think adults or someone who is mid-way through high-school should be capable of doing.

Bonus one as well:
* What do you think is currently wrong with computer education programs, these vary wildly but I am curious about this as well!

#linux #windows #microsoft #tech

today I've heard for the first time about the #RigelA open-source screen reader project for #Windows written in #RustLang. Unfortunately only Readme has an English version, all other documents and code comments are in chinese, but the project seems very promising. Use Google Translate or another translator if you, like me, don't speak Chinese.

I love how on #macOS when you intend to move a bunch of files to a folder, and when one file with the same name already exists in the destination, you're only given the option to stop the entire thing, to replace the existing file, or move anyway under a different name. Not a single option that just... idk... skip moving that one (or however many affected) file maybe? The best thing is, that stop option, the dialog that asks you gives you a checkmark option to "Apply to all" (unchecked by default) - bcos of this, a user unfamiliar with #Finder's brilliance might assume that "stop" simply means "skip" commonly found on other OS-es including #Windows and #Linux for file operations such as moving/copying, 'cept not, "stop" literally just stops doing anything.

Oh, also, you can't even enjoy what you have found to be so common such as doing a shift-click selection on Finder... unless you happen to be in the right "view" mode. That simple thing couldn't even just... work. I honestly can go on and on about how slow that piece of shit is at performing searches or copying/moving files, or how modifying all the ridiculous preferences take forever bcos they hide in multiple, nonsensical places when on #Dolphin for example, you get one nice menu with sensible tabs and options where you could do wtv needs doing in ~1 minute. Heck, even setting the default app to be used to open a certain file type requires a hidden shortcut that then opens up a stupid looking window at the edge of your screen with tiny af buttons and GOSH I CAN GO ON FOREVER.

Fuck Finder, honestly. I'd take that ugly ass #FileExplorer anyday of the week if it means I don't have to deal with Finder. Thank god I'm a Linux user, blessed with #KDE's Dolphin. I'm almost certain #Apple only hires interns for anything software over there.

Update: Found a fix! Just use the terminal ❤

Sensitive content

Dnes si dovolím odkázať na veľmi vydarený český hlas pre hlasový výstup #TTS #RHVoice. Sám autor o tom píše tu:… . O použití pre #Windows #Linux a #Android sa dočítate aj na jednoduchej komunitnej stránke . Gro používateľov sú ťažko zrakovo postihnutí používatelia, ktorí si bez kvalitného hlasového výstupu a čítača obrazovky nedokážu svoj digitálny život predstaviť, možno ale aj vám by sa mohol hodiť takýto hlas pre váš počítač či smartfón nezávislí od obrovských korporácií. Mohli by ste ho napr. použiť na čítanie kníh alebo počas navigácii cez GPS.

A Windows user, a Mac user, and a Linux user walk into a bar.

➡️ The #Windows user orders a beer and gets into a fight over how bloated the selection is.

➡️ The #Mac user orders the most expensive single-origin craft cocktail and smugly admires its minimalist design.

➡️ The #Linux user installs a whole brewery in the corner and declares free drinks for everyone, but then spends the rest of the night explaining why their homemade brew is objectively superior.

The third edition of David Kingsbury’s popular free digital book, “The Windows Screen Reader Primer: All the Basics and More,” is coming soon! Author David Kingsbury, an Assistive Technology Instructor here at the Carroll Center, wrote this comprehensive resource to help JAWS, NVDA, and Windows Narrator users work more effectively with the most important PC applications—like Microsoft Office, email clients, and web browsers.

Join author David Kingsbury via Zoom on Thursday, April 4 at 7:30 pm ET to find out what’s new in this edition, hear a few tips and tricks, and ask your questions. Save your seat here:

#Windows #Jaws #NVDA #Narrator #blind

NLS BARD Express. You can now listen to NLS Audio Books and Magazine's right on your Windows computer using the BARD Express software. So now you can do everything right from BARD Express; search and find the books you want, add them to your wish list or download them, and now play and listen to them! The Tek Talk podcast had two gentlemen from NLS to talk about and demostrate the new BARD Express software. You can check it out and give it a listen here...… #TekTalk #NLS #BARD #BardExpress #Windows #AudioBooks #Blind

Watching this with interest: first #AI (ChatGPT) based screen

This could change the screen reader paradigm and I'll try the #Windows version when it's available, but I worry that using it for work and remaining #GDPR compliant will not be possible.

This also heralds a much bigger paradigm change - the UI for everyone will change and the GUI as we know it may well disappear.