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Today I learned that when you "edit" or "correct" a message in #XMPP, the original message is still technically stored on the server or device. It's the client side that understands that the new message is an edit of the previous message, and "displays" it as such. But, if you send a password or something sensitive, "editing" the message after it has been sent might not remove the actual contents of the original version of the message, so make sure you use #encryption too.

#privacy #security
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to Marcus

as a general rule, you should consider everything you send on the internet as non revokable, and yes, e2ee mitigates that.
That said, XEP0424 is starting to see adoption by clients and should make messages erasable from archives. But you'll still have to trust that clients and server are playing fair.
in reply to Nicoco

@nicoco this is also true for the proprietary/centralised messengers. If someone has a modified Signal or WhatsApp client, they could also not delete the message on request. So yeah, if you send a password in a chat I would always recommend changing it!