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It’s an incredibly busy time when a developer releases a rewritten app that they’ve been working on for a long time. All software has bugs, so developers hit that Publish button and hold their breath for the feedback.
Nevertheless, Marco has already published an update of the rewritten @overcastfm build to Test Flight which addresses the most critical VoiceOver regressions. That was quick work and I wanted to say a public “thank you”.
There are Indie developers who care about #accessibility, and when we find them, we can work with them differently from, say, a faceless corporation that won’t engage and who insist that we wait our turn.
Although there are some growing pains which are being dealt with rapidly, I’m feeling positive about the future of Overcast because the hard work has been done to put infrastructure in place that sets the app up for a sustainable future with new features. I tell you, if we ever get the ability to select a bunch of episodes and delete them in one go, I’ll do a very happy dance.
So, thanks again Marco and thanks to the indie developers who single-handedly do the coding, the marketing, the PR and the tech support.

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in reply to Jonathan Mosen

Haven’t seen the update and already feeling sad that there were #accessibility regressions. Why did Marco have to rewrite the app in the first place? Ah, restless developer's mind! :)
in reply to victor tsaran

A quick follow-up so that my original response is not taken the wrong way. I am a paid subscriber of the Overcast app, so naturally, wish it all the best, as long as it stays accessible! LOL <kidding> <grin> ROFL, etc! :)
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 In recent podcast episodes, he has explained how the old app was all objective see based and it was very hard to add new features. Rewriting everything using swift UI set him up to be able to improve the app much more in the future.
in reply to Peter Saathoff-Harshfield

@pesh Yep, the article explains these points as well. I am sure Marco will do his best to make sure the app will stay accessible.
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 I understand he took significant steps to ensure accessibility, but a few things got missed. I also hear it of those regressions have already been fixed and are live in a Testflight beta so we shall see.