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To celebrate the fact that I can finally use all the theoretical bandwidth for which I'm paying my ISP, today's stream is going to be a deep dive on GObject—how does it work, and why. If you're interested, tune in at 4pm BST/15:00 UTC on

#gnome #gtk

in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

hopefully it answers the mist important question: how does one say "GObject"?

G-Object? GO-Object? Gobject? The thingy?

Looking forward to the answer :D

in reply to Sheogorath

"Gee-object", like "Gee-lib", but unlike GNOME, which is pronounced "Guh-nome"
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

Will there be a video version for people who are unable to follow the stream?
in reply to Gloopsies :fedora:

I upload the VODs to my YouTube channel—in time. I might even do some editing, depending on how much meandering happens. I don't typically script my streams, so tangents happen. 😅
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

great to hear. I am very interested in gnome and gtk, but there is very little content about it unfortunately
in reply to Gloopsies :fedora:

Video content is actually pretty hard to do—especially when employed. There are more streamers in the GNOME community, these days, so maybe things will change.
in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

That is understandable and I don't want to belittle the great work the community is doing, but having more community content would help everyone willing to learn