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PipeWire 1.0.0 is out!…

Peter Vágner reshared this.

in reply to PipeWire Project

- A few days ago I switched to pipewire on my main computer. ...and it sounds better now.

Thank You for your work.


in reply to PipeWire Project

Congratulations. Big milestone.

Our key philosophies on how to design media APIs may differ, but yet I have to admit, that to this day PipeWire is the least painful media router for Linux, there is. Heck, even I use it as my daily driver.

in reply to PipeWire Project

If it is already in Debian, i now know what i will do today.

An UPGRADE on 4 computers !

in reply to PipeWire Project

Is it true, that one of the major goals in the coming period is to change the code base to #rustlang?

Or did I misread something a while ago?

in reply to AdeptVeritatis

@AdeptVeritatis It is something Wim is interested in, lets see if it makes it to the top of the todo list :)
in reply to PipeWire Project

Thanks to every single one involved. ❤️ ❤️

(Btw: the pixelart in the main page is gorgeous).

in reply to PipeWire Project

Congratulations. What an amazing project. Linux is slowly becoming the absolute king of desktop operating systems with all of these projects like Wayland, PipeWire, Systemd, GNOME...
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to PipeWire Project

thanks for your hard work and congratulations on that release! For me, pipewire is exactly what it should be.
in reply to PipeWire Project