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I’m too busy nursing a punched gut to formulate many pretty words about AppleVis. All I can say is if you and your team created and filled that large of a space for knowledge and knowledge-sharing in the blind community, without pay and at little to no cost, all of you deserve nothing but recognition and deep gratitude.
How many learners found their skills because of you?
How many educators gained and shared resources because of you?
How many new to blindness and access technology found confidence because of you?
How many seasoned techies, testers, nerds, geeks, makers, and access-MacGyvers found community because of you?
How many developers found, broadened, and used accessibility awareness because of you?
How many people did your 14 years of work impact for the better? I don’t know. I can’t know, but I can imagine that the impact is bigger than we think, and I can say thanks.
Thanks, Thomas Domville. Thanks, Michael Hansen. Thanks, Scott Davert. Thanks, David Nason. Thanks, Alex Hall. Thanks, Tyler Stephen. Thanks, Mehgcap. Thanks, Paul Martz. Thanks, Morgan Watkins. Thanks, David Goodwin. Thanks to all the contributors I don’t know. You deserve awards, and your names deserve to be known.
#Blind #Accessibility #AppleVis