How to (try to) block #IA scrapers with a tailored `robots.txt`:
You may want to use:
[Dark Visitor](
Adding to the list the `robots.txt` by #VLC:
[VLC robots.txt](
Source: **Bloquer les gaveurs d'IA** by @lord (in French)…
Bloquer les gaveurs d'IA
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in reply to AGR Risk Intelligence • • •robots.txt references are unfortunately quite prone to cargo-culting. I find ai.robots.txt to be generally misleading. Lots of the UAs they list aren’t used to train generative AI.
AdsBot-Google, for instance, doesn’t do anything if you don’t use Google Ads; Google uses GoogleBot-Extended to train its GenAI offerings.
For image2dataset, it’s better to use a
robots directive and allow it to crawl to properly opt out of indexing, should it stumble upon a cached copy of your page.Blocking certain bots
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