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How long does it take to forget, that you are supposed to post to the fediverse, when you did a release? Well, about a year I guess. Anyway, #Nheko 0.12.0 is out now! Took us a while (and there seem to be 800 commits in that release?!?), but our Qt6 port is finally out and with it exciting features like automatically deleting messages, ignoring users, intentional mentions and much, much more. Tbh, I forgot half the things we added and am always surprised that wasn't in 0.11.3 yet!

Anyway, grab the latest version of this #Matrix client here:…
Or don't, I can't tell you what to do! But if you read so far, it surely is worth giving it a try, right? :D

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in reply to DeepBlue V7.X

Nice, and an impressive changelog! Will you also add the AppImage to the downloads?
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

No, the appimage currently doesn't build and nobody is maintaining it. There is no distro with new enough qt6 and old enough glibc.
in reply to DeepBlue V7.X

That's sad news! Especially as the reason implies chances for a *.deb are rather non-existing as well. And I wonder how the Flatpak was built then? I don't use (and don't want to use) Flatpak at all (personal reasons going too far here to explain), so I'll then have to stick with 0.11.3 for a while longer. Hope there'll be a solution for the AppImage not too far away (maybe the day a newer glibc can be used?)…

Thanks for the fast response!

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Flatpaks provide their own runtimes with recent enough Qt and an easy module system to include custom dependencies. Appimages don't. Appimages don't isolate the glibc from the system as well as a lot of other stuff. That means for Appimages specifically you need to pick a system with an older glibc than any of the systems you expect the Appimage to run on. This is a huge pain for something like Qt version bumbs since there is no distro with Qt6.5 and a glibc older than Debian (to my knowledge). Additionally there is no reliable way to tell if you included all the necessary dependencies, since it might work on your test machine, but not on others, because Appimages don't isolate dependencies from the system. This coupled with other tooling issues makes Appimages a huge pain to work with. Someone fixed the Appimage before and maybe someone else will again, but I won't. I dealt enough with Appimages that I don't want to touch them again. If someone wants Appimages, they need to step up and contribute and maintain them.
in reply to DeepBlue V7.X

Understandable then, thanks. I cannot jump in there (I'm not a dev). I just look at them from the "user's perspective", where they are easy to deal with: a single binary you can download and run, no strings attached. Especially no framework that fills up gigabytes of disk space (literally) for something otherwise coming as < 300 kB *.deb (that was the experience driving me away from it, don't want to repeat that, was a pain to clean up).
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

Well, distros will pack it eventually, but our flatpaks are 4MB and our appimages used to be 100MB, so at least from our side they are way smaller :D

(Runtimes of course apply, but those at least can be shared in theory)

in reply to DeepBlue V7.X

At least 100 MB are much less as what Flatpack drags in along 🤪 If I'd use many apps as Flatpacks, that would somehow "level out" as they'll most likely have a huge overlap in modules used. But most of my apps come from the official distro repos, with 2 or 3 rarely used apps as AppImages. Nheko is the only app I regularly use (apart from ungoogled Chromium I use for video conferences), thus falling out of that pattern.

I'll then wait patiently. Thanks a lot again!

in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

PS: I just looked. My distro (I'm on Mint 21.3, based on Ubuntu 22.04) currently has 0.9.1 only, so fat chance 0.12 will show up there anytime soon. Maybe someone comes up with a PPA at one point, or providing a *.deb to attach to your releases or provide separately…
in reply to IzzyOnDroid ✅

PPS:… has 0.11.3 – so chances are 0.12 will show up there one day 🤞 That PPA is maintained by the Matrix packaging team.Seems active and well maintained, last upload was 2024-05-27. Maybe you want to link to that e.g. here:… ? Useful for Ubuntu and derivates. Ah yuck, for Jammy they're stuck at 0.9.1 as well 😭 Going to look further.

And no, I won't downgrade to that 0.9.1, no worries 😆