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Thunderbird is an email client with built-in support for PGP encryption.

Messages are encrypted/decrypted in the client and remain encrypted on email servers, this is client-side encryption.

Some email providers support PGP encryption server-side, this method could be vulnerable to third-party decryption of emails.

Client side encryption:

Mastodon: @thunderbird

#Thunderbird #Email #Encryption #OpenPGP #PGP

This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Blue Ghost

Very well. Triggered by this toot, I started another trial to setup pgp encryption with Thunderbird and k9 mail with my email account.
This time, it seems to work well! Key import worked in k9 / OpenKeyChain, and they both behave well and do not interfere with day to day usage. Thanks folks for your work!
in reply to Μoritz 💤🏳️‍🌈

@moritzboth Woot! So great to hear that this awesome community post inspired you to set up encryption with Thunderbird AND K-9! 🔒 💙