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Here's a picture taken with the Meta Smart Glasses, then described with #AI via #BeMyEyes, which has been an invaluable helping-hand, enabling me to know what randomly labeled pictures in my collection are, without having to ask my wife or children.
With image names such as 'photo-296_singular_display_fullPicture.jpg' it's a fun time trying to decipher such randomness sometimes.
This was taken at a podcast recording of Tim Harford's 'Cautionary Tales' and I got to take Jake along with me.

I get the AI hate I really do, but there are just times in life where hate is misplaced. for me, something that is an enabler is such a time.
No, it's not perfect, we're not there yet, but for my usecase it helps more than it hinders.
Your milage will of course, vary.