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Say why you love #LibreOffice (with the hashtag) – and you might win some cool merch! There are a few days left to go in the Month of LibreOffice, May 2022:…
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I love #LibreOffice for its ease of use and its no nonesense design.
Its powerfull software but still easy to learn.
Most importantly its opensource.
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I love #LibreOffice because it uses open document formats.

Users should stop depending on proprietary file format, created by some big corporation.

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I love #LibreOffice because I can send my teachers assignments that were completed using fully free software without them ever realizing I left the walled garden of Microsoft. :)

(Even using the odt format, they usually don't notice.)

in reply to LibreOffice

Why do I love #LibreOffice ?

The reasons are plenty:
1. With LibreOffice, I do not have to pay hundreds of dollars for Microsoft Office subscriptions just to write one or two documents from time to time. I have it installed on my every computer and I don't need to bother about subscription.
2. LibreOffice stays what it is. When Microsoft is changing its Office suite, adding more features no one asked for, moving... I'm sorry, hiding current options from users so they have to look for it everywhere, LibreOffice does not introduce so drastic changes. Even if there are, I have a choice (sorry, I still don't buy the idea of ribbon, even after all these years xD).
3. I can legally install "office suite" to my friends without being accused of being a pirate by anyone. It usually works like this "Hey man! I need to write an assignment for my classes. Do you have a spare copy of Microsoft Office?" "Are you only going to use Word?" "Yes!" "Then just download LibreOffice. It will work just exactly the same and it's free" 😆

in reply to LibreOffice

what if i actually dont want any "merch" ? if i dont want to say you or anyone my address? if i dont want new things at home? hmm?
in reply to hacknorris

Then jut don't reply to the offer to receive merch. It's really that simple.
in reply to LibreOffice

I love #LibreOffice since the time it was called StarOffice, because I'm free to explore my files and still be able to open them after more than 10 years.
It's my only office suite, at home, since then.
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I like Libre Office because it is free, no fust and fast.
Most importantly it is an application where most of the free word processor or office suite is web-based.
in reply to LibreOffice

I love #LibreOffice (in particular Writer) because it makes it fast and easy to lay out the internal files for paperbacks I publish through POD platforms. It is more powerful than Web-based tools, has better layout features than MS Word, and it's free -- what's not to love?

I also use Calc for tracking my writing productivity. As a writer who has not yet had commercial success with his books, free tools like this mean a lot to me.

in reply to LibreOffice

It must be over 10 years now of using #LibreOffice.

Libreoffice has been there for personal, education, and work all those years. Now my daughter also defaults to it. Always there, robust, and it has never let me down. Looking forward to many more years, and generations, relying on it.

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hi, I am teaching my own computing course online based on software freedom in Indonesia since 2017.

This course helps people switch from Windows to GNU/Linux, or more precisely from proprietary to free software.

This course makes all students use LibreOffice Writer, Calc, and Impress. They always save as #OpenDocumentFormat. They practice #LibreOffice on all operating systems, preferably #GNU, in their computing life.

I named this course Teknoplasma.

in reply to LibreOffice

I use #libreoffice in the professional space because of its wide range of features such as PDF editing unavailable on many other office suites and because of its adaptability.

While I used to use proprietary programs in the past, since I used a niche application, the constant fear of deprecation would loom over my head.

With LibreOffice, not only do I never have to worry about obsolescence, but I can also change LibreOffice to fit my workflow through its code.

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I love #LibreOffice, because it's open source, it works on Linux and because it has good compatibility with Microsoft Office.
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#LibreOffice works wonderful with SVG vector images.
So most of my presentations are reusable even in PDF version 🤩.
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it's not May but boy do I love #LibreOffice for all of my documents. Easy to use and free. Quite powerful and visually appealing. The first software installed on any PC for me.