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LibreOffice 24.2 Community, the new major release of the free, volunteer-supported office suite, with the new calendar-based numbering scheme (YY.M), many new useful features, and a focus on security and accessibility, is available at @libreoffice @tdforg

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in reply to LibreOffice

what happened to the other 17 versions? 😋️😘️
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to LibreOffice

Do we have some way to get a real version number somewhere?
in reply to Damtux (Mastodon)


Thanks for the #URL.

I'm aware of the change from major.minor to year.month, but this means, #LibreOffice will not provide a real version number in the future, as a release date doesn't tell anything about major.minor or what to expect from a release.

And it looks like they discussed between 24.02 and 24.2...

But is 24.2 a version like 7.7 or a next generation like 8.0?
And what about 24.8?

@libreoffice @tdforg

in reply to Nordnick :verified:

@nick @erAck
Now I got it, thanks for the explanation! :)

We should ask to someone from Libreoffice Marketing like @italovignoli

(My opinion) I think they abandoned the idea of "generations" as now there's a continuous stream of features and bug fixes above mature and stable codebase.

It's not like Nextcloud where they continue to mantain a double numbering scheme as they're still introducing new and (sometimes) breaking changes where you can distinguish the generations

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Damtux (Mastodon)

@damtux @erAck @italovignoli

Already had some conversation in the past with #LibreOffice via #Fediverse.

I miss real versions numbers, that are useful on technical level.

That's why i asked, if there is somewhere one... hidden under the hood... ;-)

Advertising should maybe be separated from engineering... :-)

But i don't wanted to start a heavy or intense discussion... :-)

in reply to Nordnick :verified:

@nick @damtux @erAck @italovignoli

24.2 is a major release number, and will be followed by minor release numbers 24.2.1, 24.2.2, 24.2.3, ..., as in the past

in reply to LibreOffice

@nick @erAck @italovignoli
Thanks for the reply!

Yes, but here we're talking about how to distinguish between different "generations" of major releases, like between 7 (7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 7.5, 7.6) and then 8 (8.0, 8.1, 8.2,.....).

Could it be possible a rethinking of the actual scheme at least in favour of double numbering (technical and marketing/official) like Nextcloud is doing, e.g with Nextcloud 28 (Hub 7)?

in reply to LibreOffice

Just noticed a bug on your US site:

Looks like the site title got skipped over a bit

in reply to LibreOffice

Hi @libreoffice: I'm getting a 403 error from Nginx when I try to download the 64-bit .deb torrent file. Copying the .torrent URL on the Download page:

The URL seems a bit incomplete 😁
