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#Gnome on #Fedora is such a nice, polished desktop experience. Ever since switching to it (maybe about a year ago?), I've been a significantly happier computer user. And the new versions keep on getting better. I don't think I've ever been as happy with my computing situation (maybe with the exception when I got my first computer of my own as a child, but that feeling is hard to beat).
in reply to Sonny

My new year resolution this year actually includes contributing more to open source, and GNOME is high on the list :D. Might as well get started :). It's been quite a while since I worked with Gtk and friends, I think back in the Gtk 2 days? So I have some catching up to do 😅️
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Laria

I recommend playing with Workbench

Porting demos is a great way to learn by doing

Full disclosure: I'm absolutely biased

in reply to Sonny

@sonny Thanks for the tip, I remember playing around with Workbench a while ago and liked it.