More details about the end of #IPv4 in state services: On 18th of December 2013 Czech #government decided that every service provided by Czech state has to be available on #IPv6 and be protected by #DNSSEC by 30th of June 2015. Yesterday a followed up action has been agreed on. On 6th of June 2032, IPv4 will be disabled on all services offered by Czech republic and they will be only available on IPv6 from that day on. Apart from that, every June starting from 2025, Czech government will get a report on how are the preparations.
Overall seems like a bold move, but I totally support it! IT sends a message, that #IPv4 is over and everybody should move to #IPv6 already. And even government - the definition of conservative and bureaucratic institution - gets it. Then why shouldn't you embrace it 😉
More information in Czech:……
Odvážný krok české vlády | Blog zaměstnanců CZ.NIC
Vláda ČR včera přijala významné usnesení, které se týká infrastruktury Internetu, když projednala materiál s názvem „Restart zavádění technologie DNSSEC a protokolu IPv6 ve státní správě“.Ondřej Filip (Blog zaměstnanců CZ.NIC)
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