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A great win for privacy: Google Analytics has been declared illegal in Europe! 🎉😀
in reply to Tuta

Hi Tutanota,

Have you heard of the DigitalFeudalismCounterAction firewall, that blocks all of #CAGEMAFIA, minus #IBM (but plus #Oracle, #Alibaba and #Tencent)?

It works.

in reply to Tuta

now we just have to try to get France declared illegal in Europe
in reply to Tuta

good to know that. It was already illegal in 3 countries, if I remember well
in reply to Tuta

Thanks Europe for making laws that make the internet a better place.
in reply to Tuta

It's a step forward.

Why does it seem like it's only Google's #Spyware that gets something resembling appropriate regulations? When are they going to start enforcing anti-spyware legislation on #Disney, #Apple, and #Microsoft ? #BanDRM

in reply to Tuta

c'est Google qui devrait être interdit (écrit sur mon téléphone Android... Je sais...)
in reply to Tuta

wasn't this a few months old story already?
in reply to Tuta

I'm sorry but I think you know that statement is false, and its most common understandings are also false

Anyone would understand that phrasing as: "if you use Google Analytics in the EU, you're doing something illegal" or "Google Analytics is now forbidden to use in the EU" -- while it's not true for now and probably will never be

in reply to Tuta

insidious...for sure..."data foe Sale!"

Gamer Harvest!

in reply to Tuta

LFG .. it's the theocracies and pegasus .. all the way to whatever old guy in robe fkn up things.. as per usual.. or the corrupt toxic male types in gen .. caca. ~
in reply to Tuta

well, I'd only say so if people don't just get #SLAPP'd but forced by judges to remove that shit...

But I'm confident @maxschrems and @noybeu are working on that...

And yes, there is no "legitimate use" for #tracking shit!

in reply to Tuta

There are worse things than Google for our democracy: open-source software devs who claim to respect privacy but who are unable to detect a security flaw and especially unable to recognize their mistakes.
in reply to Tuta

"It is illegal for European companies to use Google Analytics "as is". By applying technical measures like pseudonymisation it is still possible to use #GoogleAnalytics in compliance with the #GDPR." (Source: Tutanota)
in reply to Tuta

Is this why Google is building such a big building in England?
(Assuming we are not part of the 'Europe'...)
in reply to Tuta

Great news! 🎉🎊 But we need more of categoricall that bans all spyware of similar nature. Not target a specific spyware
in reply to Tuta

German: Geil! Dutch: Top! Canadian: Fuckin EH! American: Awesome Still learning Japanese.
in reply to Tuta

then a new question arises: "how to get site analytics, and find out what is effective? "